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Originally Posted by Squallo89 View Post
hello mi kernel is , thats my steps:
installed sixaxis support,sixad and mouse modules,with sixaxispair tool i had paired the phone MAC Bluetooth on the controller,when i try to connect the PS3 controller on my N900 a message ask me if i want to connect theme, the icon of bluetooth becomes blue but the controller's led continue to flash and nothings happens, the controller's led stop to flash and the n900 bluetooth return white....
is possible connecting the sixaxis on phone without flashing the kernel? if i flash it i lose my apps right? help me pls =( thx .....oh and yes i have deleted the word "input" on etc/bluetooth/main.conf
I was in a very similar situation like yours....and I solved by removing an app that uses bt, I had installed the external keyboard support and it was giving me issues the day after. Check in your app list if there is anything that uses BT....hope that helps.
past nokias: 3650,6630
alive:N9, N900
now: Z3, SE
next: neo900

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Originally Posted by Squallo89 View Post
hello mi kernel is , thats my steps:
installed sixaxis support,sixad and mouse modules,with sixaxispair tool i had paired the phone MAC Bluetooth on the controller,when i try to connect the PS3 controller on my N900 a message ask me if i want to connect theme, the icon of bluetooth becomes blue but the controller's led continue to flash and nothings happens, the controller's led stop to flash and the n900 bluetooth return white....
is possible connecting the sixaxis on phone without flashing the kernel? if i flash it i lose my apps right? help me pls =( thx .....oh and yes i have deleted the word "input" on etc/bluetooth/main.conf
This may seem obvious, but did you also restart bluetoothd? Changes to bt main.conf don't take effect until you do that.

# stop bluetoothd
# start bluetoothd
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Originally Posted by F2thaK View Post
Use PS3 SixAxis Controller with N900
For Windows Users

Windows 7 and Vista users may have problems using Home edition OS's, especially with 64-bit editions.
Being able to run XP mode helps a lot. If you cannot, go here.


1. Ensure you have a N900, a genuine PS3 SixAxis controller (DS3 will work) and a USB cable to plug controller into your PC

2. On your N900, install "sixaxis-support" from extras repo

3. on PC install libusb-win32-filter-bin- (32-Bit Machines ONLY)
use this version (you may try newest version but Im unsure if it works)

4. on PC install GlovePie
use this version (you may try newest version but Im unsure if it works)

5. on PC open file in notepad:
X:/*GlovePie Directory*/SixaxisScripts/n900.pie

6. go to this section:

sixaxis.BluetoothMAC = "xx:xx"

and replace the xx:xx with your phones Bluetooth address
(to find, go to: settings > general > about product)

7. connect SixAxis controller to PC

8. on PC, run GlovePie

9. Go to File > Open > X:/*GlovePie Directory*/SixaxisScripts/n900.pie

10. click the "Run >" button, wait a few seconds then press the controllers Connect button a few times

11. close GlovePie and disconnect controller

  1. Activate Bluetooth on N900 (Visible: Yes)
  2. Press PS button on controller
  3. Wait for the SixAxis light to stop flashing
  4. To disconnect, turn off Bluetooth on phone

Connection Problems?:

add "input" back into the disabled modules in:


stop/start bluetooth.
Note: doesn't work with "input" missing.

Create your own Custom button configuration:

To configure SixAxis buttons, on N900 edit:

In this file, each group has the current set keys shown in descending order (top > bottom). in the section shown below, the top line is for the "select" button. to change the button, change the key number (key=??) which is highlighted in red. to find which key number to use, refer to "N900 X11 keycodes" below.

      <!-- Select=Z; Analog L; Analog R; Start=Enter; PS=Backspace -->
      <merge key="input.x11_options.MapButton1" type="string">key=52</merge>
      <merge key="input.x11_options.MapButton2" type="string">key=54</merge>
      <merge key="input.x11_options.MapButton3" type="string">key=55</merge>
      <merge key="input.x11_options.MapButton4" type="string">key=36</merge>
      <merge key="input.x11_options.MapButton17" type="string">key=22</merge>

N900 X11 keycodes (US layout):

The codes below relate to the N900 keyboard buttons.
Each line represents the lines of keys.
  • 37 = Ctrl/Sym
  • ?? = Fn
  • 50 = Shift
  • 43 = H
  • and so on...
37 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 48 22
?? 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 60 111 36
50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58  65  113 116 114

To determine controller buttons order:

pair controlller, then in xterm as root, type:

jstest /dev/input/js0

Re-connect SixAxis to PS3:

Connect controller to the PS3 with the USB cable and press the PS button to pair them. If this doesnt work, press the reset button on the controller and repeat:


BIG THANKS to "smoku" for this!

Has anyone got a link to the libusb-win32-filter-bin- file and glovepie?

As the links expired and the ones iv downloaded off the net don't work on my laptop!

Just bought a ps3 controller today and want to get hooked up on drnoksnes playing donkey kong counrty

any help would be appreciated!


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Originally Posted by rumel2011 View Post
Has anyone got a link to the libusb-win32-filter-bin- file and glovepie?

As the links expired and the ones iv downloaded off the net don't work on my laptop!

Just bought a ps3 controller today and want to get hooked up on drnoksnes playing donkey kong counrty

any help would be appreciated!

If you've got the right cables to connect your PS3 controller to your N900 you can do the following to pair it with your phone right on the N900 (assumes you're using h-e-n, and have already installed sixaxis-support):
  • Make sure Bluetooth is on.
  • Connect the PS3 controller to your phone.
  • In h-e-n: Full Speed hostmode -> VBUS boost on -> Enumerate.
  • In a terminal as root, run sixpair. The output from sixpair should be:
    Current Bluetooth master: [BT address]
    Setting master bd_addr to [N900 BT address]
  • Disconnect the controller and exit h-e-n.
  • Press the PS button on the controller. If the LEDs on top light 1 to 4 and back a few times and one stays lit it's connected.
  • Enjoy.

Last edited by DA5; 2013-07-09 at 04:23.

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i dont have a female to female usb cable! anyone else got links for glovepie? iv donwloaded one off the net but i cant fine the n900.pie file? must be doing something wrong!

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this i cannot do.

i've installed the sixaxis support and sixad with fapman.

my controller model is CECHZC2U and running maemo 5 2011.38.1 with cssu-1T & latest kernel power.

i try to add the MAC address using sixaxispairtool via windows8 64bit.

turned on visible bluetooth on n900, pressed PS button on the controller, four red lights blinking , n900 bluetooth icon turns blue.

few seconds the controller four lights stop blinking. n900 bluetooth icon turns white again.

nothing shows up in the process. pushed buttons on the controller, no effects on n900.

what should i do now?

my main goal is to play metal slug with psx4m without doing harm to my keyboard. anyone done these?

Last edited by ndhikaa; 2013-07-09 at 10:38. Reason: added purposes

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anyone got the links???
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2012
as soon as i install 'libusb' to my laptop it no longer recognises anything on my usb ports? pulling my hair trying to get this to work lol!

any help appreciated please to resolve this? read through all pages and still cant resolve this issue!

The Following User Says Thank You to rumel2011 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 77 | Thanked: 53 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Chester, CA
Originally Posted by rumel2011 View Post
as soon as i install 'libusb' to my laptop it no longer recognises anything on my usb ports? pulling my hair trying to get this to work lol!

any help appreciated please to resolve this? read through all pages and still cant resolve this issue!
Have you tried sixaxispairtool?

It worked great for me to pair my sixaxis to my n900 and nook color, under win 7 64bit.

I'd do a restore point to back before you installed the software to pair your controller, then download sixaxispairtool and try that. If you can't do a restore point, just remove as much of the software you installed to pair it the other way, before trying sixaxispairtool.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to eleseur For This Useful Post:
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thank you all for your help! finally got the controller connected! last thing im stuck on is mapping the keys to work with drnoksnes! iv tried editing /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/20-x11-sony-sixaxis.fdi in leafpad to map keys so all buttons work on the controller as default snes layout but it doesnt map all the keys!

has anyone got the full code to map the controller to default keys on drnoksnes?

thanks for all the help!

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