I am Nokia N9 user, with MeeGo as OS (so default).
Most applications from openrepos.net (which are deb packages) I installed by dpkg or aegis-dpkg (when was problems with expired certificates), but this time I want install NavIT which is only available by rpm package...
I was trying using rpm command but I see: "sh: rpm: not found", so I will try to find it by "apt-cache" but "rpm" neither "navit" are not visible in the list ("apt-cache search navit" and "apt-cache search rpm" show nothing)...
So how can I install rpm package on my MeeGo system?
I am Nokia N9 user, with MeeGo as OS (so default).
Most applications from openrepos.net (which are deb packages) I installed by dpkg or aegis-dpkg (when was problems with expired certificates), but this time I want install NavIT which is only available by rpm package...
I was trying using rpm command but I see: "sh: rpm: not found", so I will try to find it by "apt-cache" but "rpm" neither "navit" are not visible in the list ("apt-cache search navit" and "apt-cache search rpm" show nothing)...
So how can I install rpm package on my MeeGo system?