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Got this one too. :-)
So I have found out that the source of qt-creator is actually available on the net...

So I have:
-Downloaded the qt-creator source version that was shipped with qtSDK 1.2.1. (qt-creator version 2.4.1)
-Opened up the meego qml designer plugin project
-Compiled it with my installed qt-creator app using the Desktop qt 4.7.4 build
-Copied the resulting binary to my installed qt-creator qml designer plugin folder, and... voi'la the missing section appeared in the qml designer

I have downloaded the 2.4.1 qt-creator from here:

I do hope that after this the plugin will work fine! :-)


Hi all,

I am having fun with qt on my Nokia N9, learning it a little bit, trying out example projects.

Unfortunately it seems to me that the 64 bit linux version of the qt sdk (1.2.1) misses the meego component from the qt designer.

On windows, it seems to be present.
In the designer, I do not have the "Components Meego" section that I have on windows:

Name:  windows qtsdk qtdesigner.jpg
Views: 224
Size:  73.5 KB

But on linux, it is missing:

Name:  linux qtsdk qtdesigner.jpg
Views: 237
Size:  59.8 KB

I might have found the reason:
On windows, there is a plugin file which is not present in the linux version.

In folder QtSDK121\QtCreator\lib\qtcreator\qmldesigner on windows, I have found the file: meegoplugin.dll
But on linux the folder QtSDK/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/qmldesigner/ does not have this. It's name should be

Anybody has this on their linux installation of qtsdk 1.2.1?
Unfortuantely, I was able to install the offline version and I am unable to update now. But maybe somebody has a later installation file or was able to update while the servers were available.
So if this is the case I would appreciate the help! :-)


P.S.: Worst case scenario I have to use the windows version, but I wonder what else is missing... :-(

Last edited by tvandorffy; 2021-06-03 at 19:08. Reason: Got the solution

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