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Posts: 255 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ United Kingdom
Has anybody had any luck adding Microsoft Core Fonts (Arial, Georgia, etc) to the 770?

Seems from my research that there are two ways of doing this: adding them to /home/user/.fonts, or adding them to /usr/share/fonts. With the latter you need to rebuild the font cache with fc-cache -f and then hard reboot (shutdown -r now).

The first method only seems to make the fonts available to certain apps, and not Opera. The latter method does make them available to Opera, but when I added Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Tahoma and Georgia, Opera would start and then crash before retrieving a site.

I found that if I only installed Georgia and then rebuilt the cache, it worked OK. Georgia is arguably the only one you need; all the rest are duplicated in 770 firmware or not typically used on sites. However, sites that use it, such as the NY Times, have slightly screwy kerning.

Somebody else must have tried this but my forum searches are coming up blank.
Posts: 255 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ United Kingdom
For what it's worth, I've experimented a little and it seems Opera just doesn't like non-system fonts.

As mentioned, I added Georgia, but it doesn't display well. Thinking that perhaps only one additional font was allowed, I removed it and then installed Arial. The same thing happened as when I installed all the core fonts -- everything except Opera worked. Opera started but then quit before getting the page. This kinda indicates that Opera's font handling is hard coded to the core fonts provided on the 770.

So it looks like Opera has an issue with non-system fonts. Yes, I could try Minimo but it's slow on a 770 and Opera just works better.

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