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I have the 770 and the 800 and can't wait for the 810! My birthday is next Thursday and I was hoping to get one by then. Should I pre-order now and receive it when it eventually ships or just hope it comes out next week and order it then?
ericdkirk's Avatar
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tennessee, US
I just like you would like to know when the new tablet is coming out, but since the 20+ other threads have no answer, I think you will have to wait.
I am sure that when the date is know it will be a story on the main page.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by airbillion View Post
I have the 770 and the 800 and can't wait for the 810! My birthday is next Thursday and I was hoping to get one by then. Should I pre-order now and receive it when it eventually ships or just hope it comes out next week and order it then?
Unless you really have the money burning a hole in your pocket, I wouldn't bother. It's not really an upgrade over the N800.

That said, if you really must buy, I'd wait for it to appear on some more reputable sites before preordering.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2007
actually, i got a mail from nokia customer support this morning that told me i was able to "order it" now. i dont know if they meant preorder or that it is available right now.

i also asked for a scandinavian keyboard and they confirmed that it will be available.

so with that information in mind, i placed an order today at inwarehouse (swedish online computer/electronic store) even though their website did not say anything about when they will stock it. "it will arrive when it arrives" i thought to myself.

after a little while i got a status update mail which told me that the delivery of the order is CONFIRMED to be delivered TODAY .

so maybe it is little christmas tomorrow for this dude

i'll let you guys know when/if i get it.

some swedish text below for those who can read, the text says what i described above;

Hej Tommy

Tack för att du kontaktat Nokia Care kundsupport.

Ledsen att ditt svar har tagit lite tid med svaret.

1. Nokia N810 kan beställas med ett skandinaviskt tagentbord. Detta har tagent bord har Å,Ä och Ö på rätt plats.

2. Du kan redan idag beställa en N810.

Om det är något annat du undrar över så tveka inte att kontakta oss igen.

Med vänliga hälsningar,

Nokia Service Professional
Swedish Team
Nokia Care

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