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I'm located in Switzerland and I'm thinking about buying the N810 from the U.S. Unfortunately most Webshops don't ship to Europe.
Does anybody know a retailer that ships to Europe?

And further, I'd be interested in knowing what maps are installed on the U.S. device (for the GPS application). Are there also European maps installed or only north American ones?

Any further hints or things to think about when buying from the U.S.?
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Be aware that a US N810 will have a QWERTY keyboard - this might be OK for you, but if you want a German (even French?) keyboard on your N810 you would need to buy one locally.

As for the maps I guess a US N810 will come with maps for North America but maps for Europe can be downloaded free so that shouldn't be a problem.

You'll probably pay some sort of import duty I'd imagine, which could make it more expensive than buying locally (factor in shipping costs too) however with the dollar at an all time low that's probably unlikely!

It's only a matter of time (days rather than weeks) before the N810 becomes available in Europe. I'd wait a bit longer if I were you.
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Originally Posted by gbuergisser View Post
..And further, I'd be interested in knowing what maps are installed on the U.S. device (for the GPS application). Are there also European maps installed or only north American ones?

Any further hints or things to think about when buying from the U.S.?
The U.S version comes with maps for only USA-West, USA-East and Canadia.

All userguides are preinstalled on the device in just about every European language.

If you do manage to find a store to ship overseas, do a little research on them on google. When your dealing with companies out of your own country, and something goes wrong, it could be difficult dealing with the company.
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i wont buy anything online unless i absolutely have to... hell , i drove a 600 mile round trip just to pick my 810 up on the 17th.
Posts: 477 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Munich, Germany
#5 ships gadgets all over the world, but aren't cheap. They want 499$ for the N810, and don't have it on stock.
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Germany

I'm going to be in Los Angeles in February and I'm wondering how likely I have to pay a tax for importing a N810 in my pocket to Germany.
Does anyone know how much the tax for electronics is?
Posts: 309 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Originally Posted by halbamy View Post

I'm going to be in Los Angeles in February and I'm wondering how likely I have to pay a tax for importing a N810 in my pocket to Germany.
Does anyone know how much the tax for electronics is?
Throw away the packaging and bring the N810 in your pocket with you. You may send the papers (warranty, invoice) by post.

Then you don't pay taxes

(BTW: US keyboards are much better for Unix systems. Unless you really miss your umlauts...)
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Ancaster
I'm off to run the Disney Marathon in Florida in Jan, If it's all setteled down by then everyone in my group will be bringing one back (no boxes and paperwork by post) What are other good toys that can move this way ?
Also any good I.T. shops near Disney complex ?
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2007
have a look here:
i haven't checked it out myself though
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Originally Posted by halbamy View Post

I'm going to be in Los Angeles in February and I'm wondering how likely I have to pay a tax for importing a N810 in my pocket to Germany.
Does anyone know how much the tax for electronics is?
The German regulations are either available in print from the nearest duty office, or maybe even on the web. I don't know what the limit is for importing goods to Germany, but for many countries the duty-free limit is way way higher when you're travelling yourself than when you import by mail. So there's a good chance that the price of an N810 is much lower than this limit. But you should check first, to be sure.
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