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The main things I'm struggling with are music and contacts.
I appreciate these are widely covered on postings elsewhere, but as someone whose only real experience of computers is using a laptop, copying ripped CDs from Windows Media Player onto an MP3 player etc I can't find anything basic enough for me to understand!
I downloaded Canola but couldn't work out how to transfer music onto the tablet as even after connecting it to my laptop with the USB cable I couldn't find where it was. It did show up on my girlfriend's laptop but when I dragged an album onto the device from iTunes it appeared as about 500 files on Canola and said "error" when I pressed play. (I then removed and re-uploaded Canola but there are still loads of files called things like 100, 200 etc.) Can someone show me how to put functioning music files onto it without downloading them off the internet thru the tablet?
Also, I've put the 'maemo' contacts and calendar programs onto it, and while I appreciate it's not really a PDA I was hoping there was a way of putting contacts onto it without physically entering them all onto the device manually, which strikes me as very laborious and not a format I could easily back up.
These are probably very dumb questions but I don't want the fact I'm not very computer-literate to restrict what I can make something which clearly has the potential to be an amazing device do so severely!
Any help greatly appreciated.

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