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As a newbie, I need a lot of hand holding. Im trying to get connected via my cell phone. I am able to bluetooth both devices fine. But unable to use phone for internet access. I have not found anyone with specific details on what you need to get this to work. Do I need a new phone? What plan/option is needed from the verizon side? Should I be on another service ( ie, Sprint.,t-mobile etc)?

I have read where people have gotten their smartphones or blackberries to work but what about us people not using these types of phones?
weatherman's Avatar
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Brooklyn, NY
Verizon's internet service is crippled - you pay $45 a month to use it only from your phone. If you want to be able to use it with the NIT you either have to pay an additional $15 to Verizon for the "tethering" plan for the internet access, you you have to do some hacking. One option is the PDANet software which theoretically allows you to get around this. I have installed PDANet but I really haven't gotten it working, and I don't know if that's because it doesn't work in general or if I'm doing something wrong. PDANet only works on certain smartphones though.
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I connect via Bluetooth to a Verizon Motorola Razr with no problems. I do have the VCast package. The phone connects to my dial up account as if it were a 14400 modem. Slow but OK for email.
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I use Verizon with a Motorola Q via PDAnet. It does connect at EVDO speeds where I live or other EVDO cities. But really you have many options, assuming you are willing to pay their data fees.
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I have LG 8300 - bluetooth connects but fails authentication on verizon network.

The Following User Says Thank You to send2cbd For This Useful Post:
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2007
To get my LG 8300 to work, I had to edit /etc/ppp/options (uncomment the lines for "+pap" and "-chap"). I also, set the phone to only use the 1x network (through the super secret service menu).
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I dare to ask what the super secret service menu is?......Thanks for the reply.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Opps, forgot to ask about editting files. Is there an editor for this? A vi clone? Or something much easier to use? Im really new to these nokia devices and am still struggling with using them.
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vi is already on your device but you may not need to edit any files. I didn't have to on my LG 8600. Howard Forums is the place to find all kinds of info about cell phones. The LG phones are particularly easy to hack.
This thread explains how to enable EVDO DUN
It works for me.
Also, I sometimes get better results using 1X Only by using the Network Select - Mode Preference from the secret service menu. Access to this menu varies with the firmware on your phone. Older firmwares use Menu - 0 then when prompted for the password (??????) enter 000000 (six zeros). with newer firmwares enter ##program8300 - Send. Then enter the six zeros. The 8300 part is the phone model. I use ##program8600 on mine.
NOTE: Verizon recently changed the way it charges for "data". If you subscribed to one of the Nationwide plans after November 1 (I think) they charge you $1.99 per Megabyte!!! unless you also get the VPak or some such nonsense. With the older plans they just charge "minutes" like a voice call and nights and weekends are free

The Following User Says Thank You to BanditRider For This Useful Post:
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2007
I've posted on this before:
razr v3m
verizon 39.99 no extra bells or whistles package
seem edit / disable evdo to avoid any "excessive service" issues
seem edit for no-pap dun (see howard forums)

works like a champ

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