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I just flashed to OS 2008, real quickly, and have found two things I don't like in the first couple of minutes:

1. the finger keyboard is not coming up. I touch text-entry field with my finger and only the stylus keyboard comes up. can anyone help? I went into control panel/text entry methods and finger keyboard is checked but it doesn't seem to work.

2. the default text-entry font size is a little smaller than in OS2007 - I am not happy about that. also, it seems like the left-side column where the start icons reside seems a bit wider that the one in OS2007 - does anyone else have that impression?

so far, I see no advantages with OS2008, but I'm hoping that will change...
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There was some discussion of item 1 in this thread:
I believe the final conclusion was that it takes two fingers or a double-tap to get the finger keyboard up now, and it seems quirky so may be a bug.

p.s. It seems really flakey... a single finger press was working for me a minute ago in the Notes app, but now all I get is the stylus keybaord.

Edit: as always, you can still switch keyboards with the center button of the D-pad.
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Last edited by technut; 2007-12-23 at 07:32.

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Posts: 574 | Thanked: 166 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ BC, Canada
Found a bug report here:
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