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lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
I have a very useful little program on my WinPC for storing all my passwords under one overall password. (There are any number programs that do this, of course).
I need to do the same thing on my N810 but the only program I can find is Password Safe which is a sad little 1980s style thing, half of which doesn't work.
My question is - if I store my passwords in a text file in Notes which is what I think i will be reduced to, can I password securely the resulting file?
Secondly, how can can I make a shortcut to it on the desktop or main menu (I mean the equivalent of a .lnk file in Windows, not a keyboard shortcut necessarily, though that would be handy, too).
I must say that the lack of professional software for the N810 is a bit of a downer - it's perfect in every way for me apart from that.
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Originally Posted by lemmy View Post
My question is - if I store my passwords in a text file in Notes which is what I think i will be reduced to, can I password securely the resulting file?
I do not yet have a device so this is speculation on my part; I do not think there is any encryption software on the device. You can get ccrypt (I saw a posting on this forum for a binary the other day) along with pgp/gpg BUT this means you have to edit in plain text, then convert to encrypted, so at some point you have plain data written to "disk" :-(

The password safe port(s) you've seen are probably your best bet for a while. I am in the middle of working on a plain text notes program that has built in encryption support (that is compatible with the Windows Tombo program) but it is not really ready for prime time yet. Because I do not have a device I've not even tried to Hildonize it yet. If you like hacking Python you could check out, the code is in subversion. Here is a (Windows) screen shot

Again this is pretty much vapor ware as far as end users are concerned but for (python) developers they may find something useful.

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Notecase which is an advanced editor, supports encryption (from what they say!).

There is a port for maemo:
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Dec 2007
You can dump all of your passwords to a text file on the PC, and put it on the N810. Then use ccrypt to encrypt and decrypt it. This should buy you enough time to change your passwords in case you lose your N810. Search this forum for ccrypt if you are interested.
lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
I'll try that. Thanks!

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