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Let's say I've saved a file XYZ.ogg and I want to find it. I can use the Search function in File Manager, look for XYZ, and it will list any files with that character string.

But then let's say I want to see where it is stored, what its path is. Say it's in MMC2/Music/SoloArtists/Dylan. The search result would show only the file name XYZ.ogg and that it is in Dylan. If I didn't already know that Dylan was in SoloArtists was in Music was in MMC2, how would I find out? That is, how would I determine the complete file path?

Related question: *Where* are the audio files kept that the File Manager shows in File Manager inside a "special" folder called "Audio clips"? I don't want to save files to that folder since it is in the built-in memory and I would rather use up megabytes of my removable memory cards. Is there a way to save a music file to the removable card but see it in "Audio clips"? (In Windows I would do this with a shortcut; on a Mac with an alias.)

Is there a way to search for a Folder by name? It seems the Search function in File Manager returns only Files.

Another related question. On the desktop there is an icon for Getting Started. I've concluded that this is probably a "shortcut" to an "application" called tutorial-home-applet. Is there some way starting with the Getting Started icon to directly find out the file (or app) to which it is linked?


Last edited by GeraldKo; 2008-01-25 at 00:19.

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