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I would like to change the buttons to scroll inside webpages instead of selecting stuff. I found this very useful looking post:

So, how do I make these changes? I'm guessing I need to open xterm, but beyond that i'm (I've searched the forum, but it's hard to find something when you're not sure what you're looking for to start with ^^;; )
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Posts: 296 | Thanked: 80 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Any text editor will do.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Well, i feel dumb, but how do I do that? I opened notes, but don't see anyway to get to the directory from "open" and I installed vim, but have no idea how to go about finding and editing the file.
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Use your favorite "real" text editor... Possible options include:
  • vi (which comes installed)
  • Vim (vi clone/enhanced)
  • emacs
  • nano (pico clone/enhanced)
  • joe (plainly the best, as I use it!)
  • leafpad (probably the friendliest choice, as it's gtk+/hildonized)
The Nokia apps, and some third-party apps, see only the ~/MyDocs/ tree. Since the file you need to edit lies outside that tree, you can't use e.g. notes, without excess trouble (like making a symlink up to the ~/.mozilla directory). You'll need to go to xterm, and do
$editor .mozilla/microb/prefs.js
For the other file, you will probably need to be root to access it...

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