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ive tried searching on how to update flash on my n800, but nothing i find works. maybe im just doing it wrong. could someone tell me how step by step?
ace's Avatar
Posts: 296 | Thanked: 80 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Try going to "
" in your browser's address bar. I'm pretty sure my N800 has the latest Flash plugin, which is "Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31".

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Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2008
Thanks for the reply. I did the command and it is the most recent software, but i am still unable to watch videos on some sites. For example, on i can't watch videos and i get the message, "Flash Player 8 or later required to view this video. Please visit Adobe to get the latest version of the flash player." And i did check to see if Flash is turned on and it it is.
ericdkirk's Avatar
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tennessee, US
It is not that your flash does not work it is that the site does not detect what version of flash you have. If the site designer had added an override, you would have no problem.
Scarflash's Avatar
Posts: 193 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Same thing happened to me. I was about to post a thread on this but did one last search and found this. Hope this helps!
Originally Posted by DrMobo View Post
Fire up the web browser, tap web (in the upper left hand corner of the browser window), --> tap tools, --> tap componants, and make sure the box is checked for shockwave flash.

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i was hoping it was my software and not the site. oh well. And to scarflash, i already made sure it was checked. thanks for your responses everyone.
Bundyo's Avatar
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Flash is updated with the OS, sorry. Wait for Diablo.
endorphinum's Avatar
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Hamburg, Germany
Ok, me as a Flash Mayhem Lover can only confirm what ericDkirk just
mentioned: it ain`t your fault - it`s the designer's fault who seems to
know a lot obout flash, but not a minimum of HTML *sigh*

If you still want those movies on your device, check the page (ebaumworld)
on your desktop pc, take a view at the html code, get the SWF link out of
there and insert that directly into your address bar.

Big greetings and have a nice sunday,

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You can save your ebaumsworld video and watch it with mplayer.

This is a little convoluted way and takes some time
but it works and you also get the downloaded video.

How to do it:
Go to and click the video,
for example the front page video
Speaker Gets Pied
( direct link )
You get that stupid Flash Player 8 is required text.
Below that is Rate: and Bookmark: line.
After the Bookmark text there is white on blue Facebook
icon (letter "f"). Tap and hold that icon and select menu command
Copy link location

Select your browser address bar and paste the link.
It should be

Remove the facebook url part, now you have link
which is the direct link to file.
Go to that address (click the green right arrow)
You get File download dialogue.
At least my N800 doesn't know how to open it but choose the
Save option and save it somewhere.

Now start X terminal, go to your download directory and
type mplayer yoursavedfilename


Start your file manager and select the downloaded file.
Doubletap it.
Once again my tablet doesn't know how to handle the file.
Click OK to search for an application.
I chose MPlayer
IT started GMPlauncher
Select your file, press Play
Hopefully it plays.

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Someone should make a greasemonkey

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