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Hi All,

I tried searching but I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for. I have all the songs on my SD card and I have put them into individual folders eg. - Rock Songs, Romantic Songs, 70's, Lounge, etc. but when I open Media Player to play them it sees all the songs on the SD card and plays them all. How do I go about getting it to play by folder only so I can listen to all songs in that particular folder.

Thanks for your help.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
Posts: 5,478 | Thanked: 5,222 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ St. Petersburg, FL
Grab yourself a copy of Canola 2, it supports browsing by folder.
Wes Doobner's Avatar
Posts: 177 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Phoenix
Sounds like making playlists from your folders might be the best solution for you... i.e. playlist called "rock", playlist called "lounge"... etc.

Select all the songs in that folder (via File Manager), and "open" them in Media Player. They will all show up in the "now playing" list. Then simply make a playlist out of them.

Downside is you would have to add new songs to the playlist (or re-create the playlist) as new songs were added to your collection...

Canola is also a solution, and it looks like the new version of Mediabox that is supposed to be coming out allows for playlist creation as well.

PS - newbie forum.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Apr 2008
GeneralAntilles - thank you I will download Canola 2 and play with itl.

Wes Doobner - I have made folders for each playlist but when Media Player opened it up it opened all the songs and not just that particular folder. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong - I will try it again but I will also download Canola 2 so perhaps that will help.

Thank you both.

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