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lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
Is there a definitive list of keystroke commands for the N810? A 'delete' rather than backspace key, for example. And 'home and 'end' keystroke combinations? And all the rest.
Benson's Avatar
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They're standard X key names, I believe. Don't have a reference handy, though; try Google.
lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
I've never heard of X Keys! I'll googe lit as you suggest. Thanks.

Update: Done that. X Keys appears to be mainly for Mac and I can't find anything relevant in the pages Google throws up. I wonder if anyone from Nikia reads these forums? Maybe they could post a list?
Someone must know something or are all 810 user poking about in the dark?
Johnx's Avatar
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Ok, maybe I'm a little confused: What exactly do you mean by keystroke? Are you talking about the internal "code" that an onscreen key sends to a program? Or are you talking about handwriting recognition? Are you talking about remapping the onscreen keyboard? I apologize in advance if I'm just being obtuse.

Benson's Avatar
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No, keysyms for X window, AKA X11.

You may find them in /usr/include/X11/keysym.h, though the 'XK_' is typically left off. You doing xterm toolbar binds?
lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
All I'm looking for is a simple list of keyboard strokes to perform various everyday functions. For example, in Microb, if I hit Ctrl+w, it closes the window.
I'm looking for the complete list of available keystrokes with N810 keyboard. For example, having no 'home' or 'end' keys, what are the keystrokes for these. And every other one for very other function.
Benson's Avatar
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Ummm... Not all keysyms are necessarily accessible from any given keyboard. In fact the only keyboard I know of that can access all X keysyms is Optimus Maximus; most keyboards don't even have a full complement of bucky keys.

So such a list would leave you sad anyway, as I'd bet home and end aren't there for most apps.

Moreover, as you say, in Microb, Ctrl+W closes the window. So you'd need a table for microb. But, in other apps, it may not do the same thing, so you'd need a table for every app you use.
lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
It's normal as far as I'm concerned to have a list of keystrokes for every app - all Windows and Mac apps come with a proper help file. Can you imagine using flight sim x without a list of keystrokes? Or Photoshop?
It seems absurd to write an application and then provide no instructions on how to use it. In fact it doesn't SEEM absurd, it is absurd.
Is there a home and end key? A delete as oppsoed to backspace key? These are everyday functions. I don't understand why they would be kept secret.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on May 2006
I think you got the answer you needed in #2. The total list of keystrokes supported by the x windows system is AFAIK no different on the tablets than on any other *nix system. These can be sent programmatically to the x-server, and you should even be able to remap your hardware keyboard using something like xmodmap, so if you want your delete key to act like a backspace key, this is what you should look at.

If you are looking for the list of keystrokes you can get by pressing different buttons on the N810 hardware keyboard, I suggest a keylogger, and pressing buttons and combinations thereof on the keyboard systematically. I dont remember the name of one of these, but go ask google for an xwindows keylogger.
jldiaz's Avatar
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Spain
I think lemmy is refering to keyboard shortcuts. He wants a list of the keyboard shortcuts available for each application, or at least a list of the ones commonly suported.

For example, in windows you have Alt+F4 to close window, Alt+Tab to cycle window and so on.

I don't think that such a list exists for the tablet. Each application has his own list of keyboard shortcuts. You can learn them if you have the hardware keyboard out and browse through the application menus.

Lemmy also wants to know which combinations of keys he has to press in order to obtain the behaviour of missing keys, such as "delete", "Tab", "PgDown", "PgUp", "Home", "End". Unfortunately, these combinations of keys do not exist by default. You can modify the keyboard configuration file in order to obtain them, but this is not for the beginner. I'm planning to write a detailed tutorial on this subject.
--ル Diaz

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