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I'm really new with N800, OS2008, i just installed Jalimo so I can run java applications. My purpose is to run an HTTPS Client in java. In my PC I needed to import CAcert to the cacerts (truststore) and add servlet-api.jar to the classpath, but I have no idea how to do this in N800. Could you please help me?

Also, could someone tell me the difference in doing

> java Client
> cacao Client

Thank you so much

P.S- sorry if my english is not great
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Posts: 111 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Raleigh, NC
In the July 2008 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal, there is an article titled "Java & the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet".

The article does a good job of describing the ITT and talks specifically about Jalimo.


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