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lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
Does anyone know a way of turning off the 'Exit Offline Mode?' dialog box that constantly pops up in offline mode?
krisse's Avatar
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Erm... what are you doing when the warning pops up?

It should only appear if you're trying to access the internet or use a Bluetooth device.

Last edited by krisse; 2008-05-31 at 11:21.
lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
I'm using Wayfinder in the car. If I use online mode with my bluetooth GPS receiver, it constantly covers the screen with a pop-up dialog asking if I want to connect to every wifi signal it picks up. So I set it to off-line mode and put up with long wait for satellite acquire at which it asks me constantly if I want to exit off-line mode every time it encounters a wifi signal, obscuring the screen again.

No combination of connection settings alters this behaviour (which makes Wayfinder technically illegal to use in car in the UK).

So all I can think of is a way to disable this stupid dialog.
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Mar 2008
just a guess, but how about turning off the automatic search intervall in the connection manager?

Edit: Sorry havn't read it.
No combination of connection settings alters this behaviour.
You already tried that out.

Last edited by solico; 2008-05-31 at 12:11.
qwerty12's Avatar
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Switchonbt from the garage will enable bluetooth in offline mode.

But, this should work for your dialog problem, open x-term and get root access, put into offline mode, run:
/etc/init.d/icd2 stop

I'm sure icd2 is in chinook but i've only tested this trick on a n800 with diablo and inbuilt browser.
Terminating icd means no internetz unless you reboot or run same command with start instead.
But it seems like you don't want internet in the car and stopping icd2 shouldn't interfere with bt.

Last edited by qwerty12; 2008-05-31 at 12:32.
krisse's Avatar
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Originally Posted by lemmy View Post
No combination of connection settings alters this behaviour (which makes Wayfinder technically illegal to use in car in the UK).

So all I can think of is a way to disable this stupid dialog.
The dialogue box is there for a good reason though, to stop people accidentally switching radio signals back on when they're in a place where they shouldn't be transmitting (especially hospitals).

The problem seems to be wayfinder thinking it has to constantly connect to the internet.

If you're absolutely sure there are no settings in Wayfinder itself that are causing a problem, this bug ought to be reported on Bugzilla:
lemmy's Avatar
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I will do as suggested (keeping my fingers crossed!). Thanks.

The warning seems redundant to me. If I wanted it to look for connections I'd set it to do so. If I've set it to be off-line, I will decide when I want it to go on-line. It's as if when I turn my TV off it keeps flashing up a message saying 'do you want to turn me on?

Maybe I'm missing something?
krisse's Avatar
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Originally Posted by lemmy View Post
I will do as suggested (keeping my fingers crossed!). Thanks.

The warning seems redundant to me. If I wanted it to look for connections I'd set it to do so.
It shouldn't be looking for connections if it's in offline mode. I have two tablets (an N800 and N810) and neither of them ever try to connect when in offline mode.

From what you've said it sounds like Wayfinder (or some other application?) is trying to connect to the internet at regular intervals.

Do you have an RSS news feeder switched on perhaps? Or is the tablet checking for email?
Posts: 234 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Lemmy, did you try qwerty12's command line?
Originally Posted by qwerty12 View Post
Switchonbt from the garage will enable bluetooth in offline mode.

But, this should work for your dialog problem, open x-term and get root access, put into offline mode, run:
/etc/init.d/icd2 stop

I'm sure icd2 is in chinook but i've only tested this trick on a n800 with diablo and inbuilt browser.
Terminating icd means no internetz unless you reboot or run same command with start instead.
But it seems like you don't want internet in the car and stopping icd2 shouldn't interfere with bt.
If it works, you could create buttons for quicker access.
krisse's Avatar
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I don't think switching the dialogue box off is the answer, because there's some app trying to connect when it shouldn't.

The problem isn't the dialogue box in itself, it's whatever is causing it to appear when it shouldn't.

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