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I bought a Nokia N810 a couple of weeks ago to replace my aging HP 4700.

Now while it is a slightly different sort of device (UMPC versus PDA) I have to say I am supprised how much more use it is to me. I did decide against a new PDA since the main use was for quick internet browsing, internet radio, music and podcasts.

While I am not sure how much the Pocket PC have advanced since the HP4700 (although from someones Dell Axion that runs a later version of Windows mobile it does not seem that different)

The only negative thing was the lack of third party software. I suppose the worst was not having a really good password manager but that is mitigated by Garnet VM (I am using Splash ID). The Pim is not brilliant (having used pocket informate for the last couple of years) either

BTW, the only thing I would like for the next gen Nokia is a larger screen (I reckon a 5.5" screen - 1024 wide) that would still fit into my Cargo pockets

Lastly, having these forums is a real plus, all the answers I required I got either from a forum search or some posts. Thanks
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Posts: 226 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Texas/Earth/Sol System/Milky Way/Local Group/Hubble Bubble/Infinity

If the screen were as big as the entire tablet; that would be great! All the buttons could be on the edges. The camera could be on a swing Out pod.

I still want a better keyboard!

my estimated current noob level:
"Who is John Galt?"

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