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Hey all! So, I don't keep my N800 online when not in use as there aren't very many networks in my area and only turn it on when I know there is one present to save power. Each time I'm finished using my IT, I switch it to 'offline' mode and then 'lock keys & screen' for the last few weeks, and to be frank, I'm lazy and want to do it in only 1 step instead of two separate prods at the power button / OK key.

I've done a search of the boards and have found that some users use 'Powerlaunch' to get the 'softpoweroff' but it doesn't seem to go into offline mode - it just seems to simulate a 'lock screen & keys' mode, which just works amazingly fast (so fast, I thought that I actually broke something when my IT went black so quickly, it scared me). I've since uninstalled it as it just sort of freaked me out a bit...

On further searching, I've also read that with Diablo, one can edit a systemui file (the extension escapes me at the moment) to get 'softpweroff' and 'reboot' added to your 'power-button list' (which I've only looked at the file, but haven't tired quite just yet, but want to) but wanted to know if this softpoweroff mode would also put me into 'offline' mode or is it the same as Powerlaunch's softpoweroff mode? and if so, is there an easy way to make it do both? And too, is there a way to copy this file so just in case I make some sort of stupid typo I can restore it to it's previous state rather easily?

(still a newbie, so as always, simple concepts, full descriptions, and easy concepts are always appreciated)

thanks in advanced

(edit - gah, wrong forum... can a mod please move to the newbie forum? thanks)

Last edited by buma; 2008-07-14 at 23:13. Reason: wrong forum
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The systemui file is /etc/systemui/systemui.xml . If you just remove the lines <!-- and -->, you will get reboot, soft poweroff, and top in xterm. Soft poweroff does exactly what you want it to. It locks the touch screen and keys, and puts it in offline mode. Just remember that to bring it OUT of this mode, you will need to hold the power button in for a couple seconds, just like turning it on.

You can easily backup the file by running this command as root:
cp /etc/systemui/systemui.xml /etc/systemui/systemui.xml.bak
Then, to restore it, run this:
cp /etc/systemui/systemui.xml.bak /etc/systemui/systemui.xml
Just make sure you edit the file as root.
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many thanks!

okay - finally got it up and running now... but ran into an interesting issue - when I just depress the power button for a short time, it acts like it's coming out of 'keys & screen locked' mode, but I can't get the powermenu back up until I depress it again and hold it for a while... then it brings up the 'hold.the center button' message and then goes back online and works hunky-dory... what gives?

I tried looking at the xml file to see if there was a way around the longbuttonpress issue, but no luck... anyone can help???
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Yeah, soft poweroff is kind of weird like that.
What works well for me is pressing the power button (short press), then pressing the center button to unlock touch screen and keys, THEN hold the power button until you come out of offline mode.
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mcedit | Utility Calculators (WIP) | PyRDesktop
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Posts: 51 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Hawaii
hehehe - so, I eliminate a 2-step process in the beginning so I can do a two step process at the end? funny

but so far, I'll see if I can live with it Thanks so much for your help!

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