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iceman600's Avatar
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i just upgraded to diablo with tha latest update and my boot to mmc is lost...
i do experimenting but got confused and now im totally lost and dont know what to do...

i followed the instruction here

and manage to get a bootmenu. but the choices to boot for the mmc are not working. they are all N/A

what am i doing wrong? need help...
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Originally Posted by iceman600 View Post
i just upgraded to diablo with tha latest update and my boot to mmc is lost...
i do experimenting but got confused and now im totally lost and dont know what to do...

i followed the instruction here

and manage to get a bootmenu. but the choices to boot for the mmc are not working. they are all N/A

what am i doing wrong? need help...
N/A = not applicable. So, your clone is NOT working, your bootmenu may be fine. Sometimes, sometimes, you take the card out and pray for 5 sec and put it back, that will fix it. If that is the case, you should start back up your stuff from the SD, apparantly this is a sign of SD about to fail, in a day, in a week, maybe in 100 yr.

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i have a n810 btw... sorry i forgot to post that. and i check the mem on ctrol panel. internan mem is still 1.87gb available. that means it did not clone the os on the mmc.
iceman600's Avatar
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anybody pls help me get back my mmc boot...
i have a n810
i did penguinbaits install tools... it went well. it installs but i dont have a bootmenu. i did try to install the boot menu but it fails.. i mean it got an error of it cannot be installed.

i try putting the chroot /mnt/initfs....ask: mmc2
reboot but still no boootmenu to choose where to boot

i've been reflashing my n810 if i did not get it right. i even lost count how many times i reflashed just to get it to work.
i did almost every tutorials i could find. i have no more ideas how to do this... pls help me. thanks
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Originally Posted by iceman600 View Post
anybody pls help me get back my mmc boot...
i have a n810
i did penguinbaits install tools... it went well. it installs but i dont have a bootmenu. i did try to install the boot menu but it fails.. i mean it got an error of it cannot be installed.

i try putting the chroot /mnt/initfs....ask: mmc2
reboot but still no boootmenu to choose where to boot

i've been reflashing my n810 if i did not get it right. i even lost count how many times i reflashed just to get it to work.
i did almost every tutorials i could find. i have no more ideas how to do this... pls help me. thanks
I just made 3 clones yesterday to update to a higher capacity card. And sure, I dont do that everyday, honestly, I have to go back to the step by step, and follow my own footstep, and every single one works. Just follow the part that made clones,

And it is also a very 'lazy' way to do that, I set it up to do it all on a N800, so that I dont have to copy files, and cloned the thing on N800 and booted up on N810, everything worked on the N810, except the rotate did not work. But hey, to do this way, I spent only 25 min and got 3 working clones. BTW, I noticed, Diablo is very very slow:

To make clones, takes 9 min for an N810 to make clones and under similar conditions, takes only 2.5 min to make on N800. This is only to make clones, nothing to do with web browser/bootup/shutdown. but it is interesting.

If the clones work, somehow you already determine that, you just need bootmenu, then try this

Again, there are many ways to skin a cat, whatever it works. As I look at your post, there are two things to make mmc boot. One is the clone, another one is the boot menu, you have to systematically to sort out which is which. I got step by step on both, that should take care of alot of us, I mean including myself :-)

post back if questions, we will help you out


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-08-25 at 15:08.

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Posts: 324 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ FL
i finally got it to work... thanks bun.
but there is one thing that boders me. i followed your tutorial regarding mmc kernel. after i reboot my screen goes flashing black with stripes of white. i thought that was the end of my n810 because it wont boot. so i try reflashing it. and it went back to normal again...

what happened? i dont know... for what i know is i followed the instructions carefully and when i reboot there goes the blinking black and white with the nokia logo.

anyway, i got my mmc card booting. thanks bun.

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