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I installed OS 2006, set up my connection, but it's not connecting to the internet. I get this message with the connection:
Connected to xxxx with link - local IP address
and there's a red question mark over the little globe. Can anyone shed any light on this and help me solve this problem?

Thank you.

Last edited by Kym; 2006-07-04 at 18:35.
johnf's Avatar
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Neuchatel, Switzerland
Looks to me like an IP address problem.
You should go to: Control panel > Connectivity > Connections
and edit the one you need to use, including the Advanced features, where you can choose an IP address. Good luck!
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I tried assigning ip addresses, etc. That eliminated the question mark and the "link-to" message, however I still get "network problem" when attempting to go online.

Prior to OS 2006 I did not need to assign IP etc. Why should I have to do that now?

This is very frustrating. I'm not a complete dummy, however I need detailed, step by step "treat me like a kindergartener" troubleshooting instructions. The maemo site is no help. The Nokia site is no help. If there's someone out there that can talk me through this, I will even go so far as giving you my phone # if you can help.

Thanks for letting me vent.
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Sometimes it's the simplest thing. And it can make you look foolish, too.

I'd entered the wrong WEP key. Once I got the right ones in - connection was made.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2006
I got this message with my newly installed router.
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I got this message with a public unlocked Wifi access point. No WEP security.
MikeL's Avatar
Posts: 356 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Madrid, Spain
Since switching to OS 2006 I have been having real problems with "Local link-IP address" on my home Network which is set to provide a DHCP IP for the Nokia 770 etc. I logged my problem as a comment to an existing bug on Bugzilla,

Initial connection would be fine but almost whenever I re-connected after a dropped connection I would receive the Local link-IP address confirmation and the ? on the world symbol which is very helpful I did NOT have this problem under OS 2005.

Last Night I noticed that checking and changing the following in connection parameters of a given Wi-Fi connection point seems to stop the "link-local IP address" issue occurring. (More testing required to be sure however)

On The Nokia 770.

Go-to, tools, connection manager and open connection manager.
Go-to, connection manager window, tools, connectivity settings.

In the connectivity window, select connections (at bottom of window) which will then list your saved connections. From here we can select and review a stored connections settings (Via a wizard) and edit specific connection parameters.

I have realised that for some reason under OS 2006 the "Network is Hidden" option is being selected for some saved connections? I know my network is NOT hidden and I never expressly asked the Nokia 770 to set this connection to "Network is hidden" ?

Since ensuring this option is switched off, the problem appears to have disappeared.

Note: I copied all my settings from OS 2005 to OS 2006, could this have introduce an anomaly perhaps?
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Originally Posted by MikeL
Note: I copied all my settings from OS 2005 to OS 2006, could this have introduce an anomaly perhaps?
I noticed this also on my home wireless lan, and I can say that this is not related to settings copied from 2005 to 2006, since I started with a fresh 2006 image.
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2006
Can anyone please please please help me here ... my 770 works fine at home, at work we have a free wireless network but the signals are weak - most of the time signals are just one or two bars. my nokia connects to the signal without any problems but always says using link-local IP address. I can see status as connected. Can anyone please tell me what can i do to fix it.

i have check all the settings and eveything looks normal. it works fine at home though.

thanks in adavce
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
I had the same issue and found that by setting the wifi signal power mode from high to low (I know this seems counter intuative) I have been getting stable connections over the last week...

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