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Addison's Avatar
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Heya fellas.

So yeah, I'm running into a few problems using Telnet as of late after I upgraded to the latest version of Diablo.

I typically play Box Poker through a server called Beck's BBS.

It's a pretty addictive time waster but I mostly play because I'm the greatest in the world at this game.

For some reason though, the suits on each of the cards no longer shows.

Here's an example:

I have installed
libvte4_0.12.2-0mh7_armel.deb (this makes the Xterm screen bigger)

The font I'm using is called VeraMono.

Here's the command line I type into Xterm to get to Beck's BBS server:

gconftool-2 -s -t int /apps/osso/xterm/font_size 10
gconftool -s /apps/osso/xterm/scrollbar -t bool false
xkbd -geometry +65536+65992 -k /media/mmc2/Keyboards/Flat2.xkbd & xkbd -geometry +725+360 -k /media/mmc2/Keyboards/Keypad.xkbd & telnet | konwert cp437-utf8
Anyone smart enough to know how I can get the suits (hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs) to show up while in Telnet?

Also, Telnet tends to crash every so often stating "konwert: error executing filter".

There's no pattern to why it crashes sometimes, just that it does.

Like there's nothing different or unusual going on with the screen when that error pops up so I can't figure out what might be causing this.

Anyway, I'm hoping that there might be one person here that possibly knows something about this and can offer some help.

So if you're that mad genius I'm thinking of, please post a response.

Attached Files
File Type: deb konwert_1.8-11.1_armel.deb (45.4 KB, 137 views)
File Type: deb konwert-filters_1.8-11.1_all.deb (223.4 KB, 158 views)
File Type: deb telnet-1.5-1_armel.deb (65.0 KB, 132 views)
File Type: zip (27.4 KB, 130 views)

Last edited by Addison; 2008-12-31 at 03:19.
Posts: 40 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Apr 2007
I'm not the expert to solve your problem, but thanks for bringing my attention to telnet BBS's. I ran a BBS back in the early '80's, and it's pretty cool to see that some survive. (Fidonet! OMG!)

To one of your questions, though, I installed mTelnet on one of my Windows Vista boxes, and when I play Box Poker on Beck's BBS (under the name of Renaldo), I also do not see the suits displayed. It may be an issue with the BBS itself, not your tablet.
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Hey wjanowski!

Well, I had emailed Paul Beck about a week ago and he said that he hasn't changed anything with his server in over two years.

For the past four months (since I first joined) it used to show three of the four suits... some reason the clubs never appeared correctly but that wasn't really a big problem until now when none of them are being displayed.

I just thought it was a strange coincidence that they stopped appearing immediately after upgrading Diablo.

I'll email him again and see what settings he's using under Telnet.
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Okay, I heard back from Beck.

Here is what he had to say:

I use MTEL32 and am attaching it to my reply.

Also, here are my User Settings: (The cards/suits are displaying fine in all card games).

Thanks! Have a safe and Happy New Year as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Default settings for Beck #1
[T] Terminal Mode : ANSI (Color)
[E] External Editor : SyncEdit v2.50
[L] Screen Length : Auto Detect (24)
[K] Command Shell : Synchronet (Classic)
[A] Temporary/QWK Archive Type : ZIP
[X] Expert Menu Mode : Off
[P] Screen Pause : On
[H] Hot Keys : On
[S] Spinning Cursor : Pause Prompt Only
[C] Clear Screen Between Messages : Off
[N] Ask For New Message/File Scan : Off
[Y] Ask For Your Un-read Msg Scan : Off
[F] Automatic New File Scan : Off
[R] Remember Current Sub-board : On
[B] Batch Download File Flagging : On
[M] Forward E-mail to NetMail : Off
[D] Default to Quiet Mode : Off
[Z] Default Download Protocol : Z
[W] Change Password or Signature
Which or [Q]uit:

Well, I double clicked on the file mt32, hit Alt-Q, then typed "".

Everything works great and I can see all of the suits for the cards, I'm using Windows XP by the way.

So what can be done to have the same Telnet experience on the Nokia tablet?

I'd really like to get away from the whole konwert translation thing since the constant filter error crashes murders my scoring average.

Any response at all would be greatly welcomed.

Oh, and Happy New Year fellas!
Attached Files
File Type: zip (137.6 KB, 142 views)
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Well, because it's been a year now since I've gotten a response, thought I might add a little more to this.

Okay, so here's a picture of running MTEL32 from that file I last posted without changing any settings for it:

As you can see, everything appears correctly.

So here we go:

I found this program called SyncTERM, is it possible to have this ported to the tablet?

There's also Synchronet, how possible would it be to port this?

I'm only asking since both of these work perfectly on Windows XP and are available as open source.

Out of OpenSSH, Netcat, SoCat, etc. are any of these applications able to support the IBM extended ASCII character set?

Is it possible to recompile X Terminal so that CP437 could be selected for character encoding instead of Unicode (UTF-8)?

If no on any of these, what about hacking a .ttf font?

What I mean by this is to basically change whatever values are needed for each character so that there wouldn't be a need for any encoding on the fly. Does that make any sense?

Oh well, hopefully someone will reach out and provide some insight on this for me.

Thanks ahead!
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Okay, since everyone seems to hate this thread, let me ask something that's hopefully very simply.

Could someone please, please, please recompile konwert and remove the whole "konwert: error executing filter" line in the source code?

Just replace that crash line with whatever, like drawing a X, or not even doing the translation of the character. I could care less on how you get around this, I'd be very grateful with any type of solution.

Anything at all so that a Telnet session doesn't quit on me suddenly because of this error.

Thanks ahead. *Thumbs crossed*
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2009
Hi there, I might be totally wrong, but have you tried using ROXTerm for your telnet session?

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Hey jgwong, sorry for the late response, I thought this topic died over a week ago.

So yeah, I tried with Roxterm and received the same results.

I got an email from someone and this is what he had to say:

Xterm will never support the card symbols when using cp437 anyway since they are actually control characters which are supported by xterm. I've attached a font directory for you to try... extract the attached directory to somewhere and add the path as a FontPath in the "Files" section of your xorg.conf (Most likely /etc/X11/xorg.conf). After this is done, run xterm with the following command-line:

``xterm -ls -fn vga8x16 -fb vga8x16 -tn xterm-color -ai -aw +cm -dc +ie -j +mb -pc -sb -rightbar -sk -sl 250 -fg grey -bg black -bdc''

If this doesn't work, try adding the new font directory using xset:

``xset fp+ /path/to/attached/fonts/''
``xterm -ls -fn vga8x16 -fb vga8x16 -tn xterm-color -ai -aw +cm -dc +ie -j +mb -pc -sb -rightbar -sk -sl 250 -fg grey -bg black -bdc''

You may need to change the "xterm-color" bit to the appropriate termcap entry, not sure if the Nokia has a separate one or not.
"xterm", "xset" and "xterm-color" doesn't seem to be a command that the tablet features.

Can anyone translate this post on how it can apply to the Nokia tablet?

All I'm looking for is to have all of the IBM graphic characters displayed with nothing missing and no konwert error filters while using Telnet.

This is beginning to seem like it's not possible but I'm hoping for some guru out there that can think outside the box and problem solve some type of solution for this.

Anyway, here's the the font he sent me.

Again, thanks ahead if you post a response!
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2009
There's a section here called "Adding new fonts":

It worked for me installing a TrueType font, but I'm not sure if pcf fonts (the ones included in the zip file) will work.

Worth a try anyway.
Addison's Avatar
Posts: 3,811 | Thanked: 1,151 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ East Lansing, MI
Hey jgwong, yeah, I have no problem adding a new font, that's not what has been troubling me.

Basically I just want to know if Xterm can produce every single one of these characters while using Telnet.


I'd be more than happy if someone could at least say yes or no to this question.

Thanks ahead!

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