, 21:31
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@ Bellshill, UK
, 23:12
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Joined on Mar 2007
@ Manitoba, Canada
I am going to look very foolish if someone has already created a port of 'Graphviz', or if I have done something wrong and it doesn't work properly for your uses, but since I needed it for my own reasons, I decided to package it and let others know about it. As always, my 'Maemo' stuff can be found here:
(link is at the bottom of the page)
Since this is a CLI utility, there are no 'screen shots' to show you. You can visit the graphviz page for lots of info (http://www.graphviz.org/) or for some examples of generated graphs (http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery.php).
I think of graphviz as a 'graph generator', but the web page describes it as 'graph visualization software'.
For the few simple graphs that I have generated using the 'dot' language (the only part of graphviz that I use myself), this port seems to work OK. However, when I tried to generate a large 'PNG' graph image from a large 'dot' file, it crashed my N800.
Beware! I assume no responsibility for the problems you may run into! Let me know if anyone out there actually even cares about running this on their tablets!
P.S. When I installed the 'deb' onto my tablet, the application manager said it would take 15mb (!!) of space, but it seems to me that it was less than 3mb -- so I was confused, to say the least!
P.P.S. There is an interesting Python-based GUI app that takes advantage of graphviz, which works fine on my N800 -- anyone interested?
There is nothing more dangerous than a bored cat.