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The primary use of my n810 recently has been use as an mp3 player, after my ipod broke. I would love to have it behave as close to my ipod as possible, and have all of the other great uses available "behind the scenes" if i so choose to use them.

The first thing seems simple, but i could not get it to work. I would like canola to start when i boot up my tablet. I read around and tried to create a simple script executing "canola" and stick it in /etc/init.d I must not be doing something right, because its not working, even after i do chmod +x for execute permissions

The second, is i want to figure out the best option to sync my music library to my n810. I love the itunes method of being able to check songs and playlists that i want. Since i have 40gb of music, and only up to 16gb space on my n810, that feature is crucial so i can most easily have my favorite music on the go. I found this thread, but i did not see any good windows options for syncing.

Any suggestions? Thanks.
ericdkirk's Avatar
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tennessee, US
You could try this with the ssh server installed, it might work I will try it later if I have time.
The link was written for the Ipod but ssh is ssh and we have that on the tablet
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2009
That's a pretty good looking option. I'll take a stab at it when i have free time, since its not the simplest thing to setup. Thank you.

Any other options, or does anyone have suggestions getting canola to start on boot? Thanks.
jmjanzen's Avatar
Posts: 192 | Thanked: 60 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ Wichita, KS
ah, i was just searching around the forums for "start on boot" solutions. here's what i found:

1. autohome-applet
2. info about prolonging the startup splash while starting up the browser and connecting to wifi automatically in the background by modding osso-af-init, init.d and rc2.d

Last edited by jmjanzen; 2009-01-21 at 21:24.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2009
autohome-applet did exactly what i was looking for. Thanks!
ericdkirk's Avatar
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tennessee, US
So last night I fiddled with this idea some, my plan was to get windows to see the mmc where my music is as a usb music player in winamp, so I could sync it.

First I was using windows xp so I could not map to a sftp server directly, so i tried a sftp to ftp bridge. It did what I wanted, with a trick had to use the /../ to go up a level i.e. , but I did not know that I could not use a ftp site in winamp (and why would you want to).
I think in vista you can map a ftp site to a drive letter I will try this latter

So I tried a different approach map my sftp server to a drive with some extra software webdrive it is a 20 day demo. And now I have my music folder linked to a drive letter.

Now on to winamp, I was running the latest version and I opened up the usb media player options and went to set it to W: which I had set my N800's music folder to and all I could see was C: D: . So I was confused, remembering that you could set any drive letter in older versions, I set to downgrade, uninstalled winamp and went through 5 versions before I got what I wanted back with 5.30 from here. And now it let me choose my drive and connect to it.

Now do not get me wrong it is slow, it took an hour for winamp to read all the music off my tablet, just to make that local list of files, but after that I just grabed some music on my computer and sent it to the usb media device and it took about 5~7mins for an album to get on there.

So I have to work on this some the webdrive software did not like folders with spaces on their names and I will try this on my windwos 7 box to see how the internal mapping of ftp works with winamp. But for now with 1 pre step I can use winamp to sync my music.
If anyone here can write winamp plugins, sftp device support would make this easy.
Posts: 398 | Thanked: 301 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Texas
Did you try out iTunes Agent?

Originally Posted by the inebriator View Post

The second, is i want to figure out the best option to sync my music library to my n810. I love the itunes method of being able to check songs and playlists that i want. Since i have 40gb of music, and only up to 16gb space on my n810, that feature is crucial so i can most easily have my favorite music on the go. I found this thread, but i did not see any good windows options for syncing.

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