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Ok, so i've searched but i can't seem to find how to do this,

I have a patriot 32gb usb drive. i'm trying to get the drive to mount as an mmc so canola can read the directories. i already have usb host mode installed and file manager can see the drive. It's just that some media apps don't recognize the flash drive as an mmc, or have an option to read external drives.

BTW, i'm a super noob to linux. so i might have ran across this fix but probably didn't understand it.
i'd appreciate any help.
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Hrm... some software specifically looks for the directories /media/mmc1 and /media/mmc2...

You might try mounting it there??

umount /media/mmc1
mount /dev/xxx /media/mmc1
(where xxx is your USB device name.)
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it unmounted mmc1 fine but the mounting failed,
i did:
mount /dev/patriot /media/mmc1
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I haven't tried this specifically (and my tablet's in for repair), but I have one suggestion: leave both MMCs mounted, then make a folder in one of them, and mount the flash drive there (e.g. mount /dev/whatever /media/mmc1/foomount). That would be simpler, in any case, and wouldn't leave you with the same problem for the MMC. Also, if you give us the error you encountered, it would help...

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for me the USB was /dev/sda1/ I think. However, when I do...

#umount /dev/sda1
#mount /dev/sda1 /media/mmc2/usb/
mount: mounting /dev/sda1/ on /media/mmc2/usb/ failed
I also tried ln -s, which gave a permission denied error...
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
for me the USB was /dev/sda1/ I think. However, when I do...

#umount /dev/sda1
#mount /dev/sda1 /media/mmc2/usb/
mount: mounting /dev/sda1/ on /media/mmc2/usb/ failed
I also tried ln -s, which gave a permission denied error...
Well, the mount command probably failed for the same reason as the symlink; something to do with permissions. However I'd still say going the symlink route is better because once you set it up it means the symlink will always be there, whether the USB drive is connected or not (when the drive is disconnected the symlink will be invalid, but as soon as you reconnect it will still be pointing to the right place so will work again); with the remounting bit you'll have to manually remount the drive to your desired location everytime you connect it.
The permission denied thing is a bit strange, I'll have to give it a try when I get a chance to see what exactly is causing it...
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did you sudo gainroot or something first??

You need to be root to run those.
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It's automounted. Open the File Manager and will be there after Removable memory. With the correct cable your N810 will automatically switch to USB Host mode.

Cable - microUSB to Female USB A.
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