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I've got my good old WSOD'ed n770 working still on-line in my home network as additional linux node.
Unfortunately I can see a lot of reboots (bootreason says it's "sw_rst") - I've made simple script that logs dates and bootreason to a file.
Each day I can see 5-10 reboots at random hours.
Device is connected to standard charger and connects itself automatically to my local access point.
OS I use is OS2007HE but I tried a number of options:
- OS2006 (lack of autoconnection - ocasional reboots)
- OS2007HE with standard kernel - 5-10 reboots/24h
- OS2007HE with Fanoush's kernel - 3-10 reboots/24h
- OS2008HE unusable - frequent reboots, slow operation.

At first my MMC was the one I tend to blame.
Sometime regardless of the kernel or OS I use - I can see that it's set to read only because of write beyond FAT entry.
I even used EXT2 for some time - looked bit better but sooner or later filesystem had been corrupted.
So I figured that I'll disable swap - without any change...

I've disabled metalayer crawler by removing S99meta... link in /etc/rc2.d.

Device isn't overheating itself - that's for sure.
Battery is quite ok - it can give more than a day of standby.

One thing I've added to oryginal system (with ssh-server installed) was my script that pings local hosts to sustain connection - I've had "no route to host" messages without that mechanism but I doubt that could be it.

it goes like:
while [ 1 ];
/bin/ping -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 60

What can I check to obtain more information about the source of these reboots?

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Posts: 96 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Mar 2009 @ Cincy,Ohio
Good to see I'm not alone. It'sthe wifi driver. See my post and the reply about a fix. Works!

n770 reboots

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