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Thanks shadow, I looked up video viewing on the N800 and it seems many people are disappointed in it (choppy, out of sync, etc). That is a bummer indeed.
Is the MP4 viewing any improved on the latest OS?
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I guess I'm in somewhat of a different position than many of the people here but I thought I would ask anyway.
Two years ago I lost my job and have a disability that have made it very hard for me to get back into the workforce.
I lost pretty much everything over these two years - girlfriend, apartment, possessions. Having said that I don't seek sympathy hey, I got a full set of hair at least :-)
Anyway, my 'needs' or situation is like this:
I couch-surf a lot and don't have my own address at this time. My laptop (that was my 'prized possession') recently died. I used this laptop for a) finding short-term jobs (sometimes I can get $50+ per week) and I take part in any medical research program that is willing to shoot weird stuff into me - and also as a 'phone' as I used VoiP (Skype) on it (had to cancel the cellphone due to its cost).
I used the WiFi at coffee shops to connect.
What I need is: a solution that will allow me to, when connected to a wifi spot, receive and make calls, browse craigslist, check and reply to emails and is portable.
What made me think of a tablet is that it could potentially be a quicker/easier way to get to making a VoiP call. In the past I had to pay $2 for some coffee so that I could set up my laptop, boot up and make the call...with a tablet maybe I could just stand outside the coffee shop and make the call?
I also like to watch youtube and downloaded videos (yes, I use torrentz ) so that's a plus as well. I don't really share my viewing with other people as it's really just me so the screen size is not a big issue.
Please, not looking for comments on my situation - I just included it so that you can assess if a tablet like Nokia's would be a solution for me.
I've been looking at eBay for N800's and it's a bit of a surprise that this device is still selling for over 120-150 dollars used. I assume eBay would be the cheapest way to try to get one though?
If anyone got a scratched up, missing non-essential parts, etc and would be willing to sell it do let me know though
Last edited by bummer; 2009-05-03 at 19:55.