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Posts: 279 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Hi everyone. I've been using windows mobile phones for over 4 years and i am very excited about N900.

I want to move to Maemo but I am a bit nervous too. I don;t want to spend $600 on a phone and end up not using it.

I mainly use my phone for mobile web browsing, email and VOIP. VOIP is one of the main reasons i want to move away from WM ( there is no native support yet) I hardly take photos/videos.
I almost attached to DPad on my WM phone (i know N900 hasn;t got a DPad)

I've read detailed review at and couple of things concerned me. For example limited portrait support and comments about it's web browser.

Is there anyone here made the switch from WM to Maemo? How do you find it after WM? Or as a Maemo user that had exprience with WM phones do you advise em to switch to Maemo?

Posts: 279 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Thanx, I don't mind hearing experiences about moving from a WM phone to Maemo 4 too.
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Originally Posted by asidana View Post
Hi everyone. I've been using windows mobile phones for over 4 years and i am very excited about N900.

I want to move to Maemo but I am a bit nervous too. I don;t want to spend $600 on a phone and end up not using it.

I mainly use my phone for mobile web browsing, email and VOIP. VOIP is one of the main reasons i want to move away from WM ( there is no native support yet) I hardly take photos/videos.
I almost attached to DPad on my WM phone (i know N900 hasn;t got a DPad)

I've read detailed review at and couple of things concerned me. For example limited portrait support and comments about it's web browser.

Is there anyone here made the switch from WM to Maemo? How do you find it after WM? Or as a Maemo user that had exprience with WM phones do you advise em to switch to Maemo?


I suggest reading as well, and keep in mind, both of these are PREVIEWs of prototypes and NOT FINAL HW/SW.

Otherwise, what above said ^^

Problem with fMMS? Run in x-terminal: cp /tmp/fmms.log /home/user/MyDocs/
After that you'll see fmms.log in filemanager or when you connect the device to your desktop as a mass storage device.
E-mail the log to me, if you don't have the email address, drop me a PM. Thanks!

fMMS - MMS for your N900
fAPN - GUI for adding a new GPRS APN
If you like this post, don't be shy to thank me -->
YoDude's Avatar
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Phone to phone experiences are limited because Maemo 5 is the first version found on a phone and it has not been released yet...

As far as the OS is concerned I moved to a N800 from an iPAQ running WM 2003 site unseen, and with no linux experience to speak of, and haven't looked back.

The WM device had a short learning curve and plenty of commercial support but all the needed programs required $$$'s and after about 9 months WM 5 was announced and it couldn't run on my hardware. I was hung out to dry.

The N800 running Maemo3 on the other hand had a longer learning curve but it hasn't cost a dang thing... almost 3 years now the original OS was updated twice, the version was upgraded to Maemo4, and it still runs on my device with out any performance hits...

Maemo5 appears to be much more user friendly than previous Maemo versions and many third party support sites have popped up already in anticipation of a much broader user base...
I don't think you will have much of a problem adapting. Welcome aboard!

Last edited by YoDude; 2009-09-30 at 11:07. Reason: Comma's change everything!
Den in USA's Avatar
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Originally Posted by asidana View Post
Hi everyone. I've been using windows mobile phones for over 4 years and i am very excited about N900.

I want to move to Maemo but I am a bit nervous too. I don;t want to spend $600 on a phone and end up not using it.

I mainly use my phone for mobile web browsing, email and VOIP. VOIP is one of the main reasons i want to move away from WM ( there is no native support yet) I hardly take photos/videos.
I almost attached to DPad on my WM phone (i know N900 hasn;t got a DPad)

I've read detailed review at and couple of things concerned me. For example limited portrait support and comments about it's web browser.

Is there anyone here made the switch from WM to Maemo? How do you find it after WM? Or as a Maemo user that had exprience with WM phones do you advise em to switch to Maemo?

Welcome, Asidana, to the forum. I used an Ipaq with windows mobile for several years, then bought an N800. So far, my only limitation is that I cannot run the isilo application. I tried using the VM Palm emulator which allows you to run Palm applications, but a I didn't like it. I keep watching the isilo website to see if they add N800 or N900 support. As far as I know, in the U.S. we can only use the N900 with T-Mobile. However, I can connect to web through my cell phone on Verizon. From what I have read, the N900 has a decent GPS receiver. No word yet about the battery life of the N900. The ones used in the reviews were early prototypes without the final software. In my area, only Verizon has decent coverage, so for now, I cannot use an N900 and get rid of my cell phone.
N800 / Diablo / 16gb int / 16gb ext / Globalsat BT-359 gps ..... Dell Streak 5 - Android 2.2.2

Last edited by Den in USA; 2009-09-30 at 13:33.
Posts: 106 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Aug 2008
based on my experience with with windows mobile in comparison with maemo 4:

first off, pocket ie sucks. period. but if you compare microb web browser from maemo and something like opera mini or skyfire, i'd say skyfire smokes the microb. maemo's webbrowser loads websites prettys low, but it does look like what you see from your computer which is good. downloading the new webkit browser tear still has a lot of problems loading some websites like facebook, but overall faster than microb.

calendar system is practically nonexistant in maemo 4 unless you get something like mcalendar to sync with google calendar, and even that is pretty bad looking. wm outlook calendar is much better.

the email client for maemo4 is much better than outlook mobile. outlook mobile is ugly and buggy whereas the email client (modest? if i remember correctly) looks like a desktop email client and runs much better.

i've never used voip much so i can't help you there

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