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Posts: 93 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2005
Hmm... sorry if it is a repost, I haven't been to this site in a while

(image requested to be removed by Nokia)
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Aya fermy, welcome back. Now howabout a context for that pic?
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Here
Originally Posted by fermunky
Hmm... sorry if it is a repost, I haven't been to this site in a while

(image requested to be removed by Nokia)
BASTARD! I was going to post that. I will get my revenge. (Hint: you may want to have someone taste test your fruit punch.)
Posts: 550 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Aug 2006
WOW! What is the source of this image? How recent is it?

Here is some speculation based on what I can see in the image:

-Perferated areas on bottom half of device on either side appears to be location of microphone and speaker. This may be a better device for VOIP functions or perhaps actually includes a phone.
-Antenna (or is that a stylus sticking out?) in top left seems to indicate cellular voice and/or cellular data connectivity
-The 3 buttons beneath the rocker appear to serve a double function as a scroll area. Should be very nice for web browsing.
-Appears to be a bit bigger than the 770 due to increased area on right side of screen. Would have been nice if they had added a few general purpose buttons on that side as long as they are are increasing the width.
-What is the silver thing in bottom left of screen
-The "hump" for the USB, headphone and power connector appears to be gone. Yay!
Posts: 1,038 | Thanked: 737 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Helsinki
Very nice indeed. SUch a shame that the d-pad looks as bad as 770s. I just hope that they have at least lowered the middle button a bit. But otherwise, could be also just a mainstream version of 770 (like ... not the prototype anymore that the 770 is).

Power cord appears to be on the right, which is much more sensible place than the bottom. Also, it seems to sport stereo output (nice for watching movies!).

Could also be a fake as well. You never know. Where did you spot that image?
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Here
Originally Posted by Rocketman
WOW! 1)What is the source of this image? 2)How recent is it?

Here is some speculation based on what I can see in the image:

3)-Perferated areas on bottom half of device on either side appears to be location of microphone and speaker. This may be a better device for VOIP functions or perhaps actually includes a phone.
4)-Antenna (or is that a stylus sticking out?) in top left seems to indicate cellular voice and/or cellular data connectivity
5)-The 3 buttons beneath the rocker appear to serve a double function as a scroll area. Should be very nice for web browsing.
6)-Appears to be a bit bigger than the 770 due to increased area on right side of screen. Would have been nice if they had added a few general purpose buttons on that side as long as they are are increasing the width.
7)-What is the silver thing in bottom left of screen
8)-The "hump" for the USB, headphone and power connector appears to be gone. Yay!
1) He calls himself Santa Claus because he wants to keep his job.
2) A few minutes before fermunky posted it. I asked him to ask Santa if the 330 was supposed to be a crappy replacement for the 770. I got a better answer than I hoped for. I
3) I was thinking stereo speakers but I didn't ask.
4) Webcam from what I understand.
5) Didn't ask.
6) Not every device is perfect for everyone. I like the lack of buttons on the front because of fat finger syndrome.
7) Looks like a screen protector not on straight. Didn't ask.
8) Yes it does. The current hump is not really a bad thing when using a case though.
Posts: 2,152 | Thanked: 1,490 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Czech Republic
Wow that one is ugly :-) And besides, buttons on right side would be very practical too. So much wasted empty space. Again product which completely ignores left-handers just like the 770. I hope it is some experimental design from early times which was later superseded by N770
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Yes, the hump in the top-left is a web cam. This image was taken and sent to me only moments before I posted it. I for obvious reasons am not releasing how/who/where I got it from though All I can say is I am excited... Oh, and it is so far being dubbed the 870.
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Posts: 564 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Fayetteville, GA
Wow, it looks pretty sleek. I'm betting we'll see a memory and cpu boost from this thing along with some other nifty features. Can't wait to see what comes of this.
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Posts: 1,310 | Thanked: 820 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Irving, TX
Just wondering if the software (OS) of these new and "old" 770 are compatible (propably not?), and if the 770 support will stop in favor of this 870, as it was called in earlier post? Does this mean that I should sell my 770 now on eBay before they become "obsolete"? In order to do that I need to know before "general public"...

Anybody have any idea when this would become available? I think that they should target for this Holiday season... and what would be the sale price?

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