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Maemo Stars needs glade. So where do I get it? Searched zero results. Went to the Glade site, beats me which one to try!

Maemo Drac needs games-startup. In the directory I get linked to their are about 5 games startup, none of which seem to work. How do you tell which to use. ***.armel or ***arm.deb or ?

Another program requires libglade2.0. So where does this bad boy live? Did a search for it also!

Got bash to download but it went into my documents folder. How do I get it to work in my terminal window?

Some 2006 cat software links take you to a directory structure with
Parent/Dist/Mistril/whatever/*.gz or Parent/Pool/Mistril/whatever/a bunch of different files.a bunch of different extentions So where is the actual file suppose to be? Whatever it may be?

I get some things to work sometimes, but it seems to be more like a guessing game with no real pattern that is consistant.

hope that I can get some more pointers

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Easiest way is to add all the repositories on - that should make any repository-added software handle all its dependencies automatically.

Some authors have dependencies on packages in other repos, which (IMHO) is rather foolish for exactly the reason you mention.
Andrew Flegg -- |
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Is there a programm or script available, which copies the actual version of

(i.e. not the webpage, but the "usable text") to the file, where the application manager looks for the repositorylist.

Is the a possibility that the applicationmanager automatically disables (or skips) unresponsive repositories and continues with the next of the list?
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I you just had browsed the maemo-star port home page you'd seen instructions about how to add the right repository for glade.

BTW I don't see any other option beside using maemo repository packages for libraries that have already been ported.

The right way is to add extra repositories (at least the maemo group) and let the installer automatically resolve all dependencies.
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Originally Posted by elpaso
The right way is to add extra repositories (at least the maemo group) and let the installer automatically resolve all dependencies.
No, I disagree: this is the solution to the symptom, not the problem.

The solution to the problem is to minimise the number of repositories by the re-use of as many existing ones as possible. See, for example, the Extras Repository.

Even adding the Maemo repository to get libglade won't resolve the dependency if an author only allows installing from a file: dependencies are only resolved when installing something from a repository.

For an application on the ApplicationCatalog2006 page not to be in the Extras repo smacks of laziness on the part of the author, TBH.


Andrew Flegg -- |
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In my case is not lazyness, it's just not having had enought time to learn all the quirks about creating and signing debian packages.

I spent my time improving the app instead.

And given this feedback, then next time I will probably just dont'release anything.
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My somewhat blunt point was that you could have been spending more time improving the app, and less time dealing with support queries, by uploading it to a repository.
Andrew Flegg -- |
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Well I finally got some things to work once Brendan told me how to paste a url link into App Manager, bash is working as is Maemo Drac. I also got Hatari to work somewhat I think (I get intros but the game itself isn't running - probably me tho.

My problem now is that when I try to download any more programs through the App Manager, I get a message telling me that the package list can not be refreshed and that the last refreshed package list will be displayed. Is there someway to reset the App Manager or is there a limit to the number of entrys in the new app manager list? What might be wrong?


Last edited by average user; 2006-12-21 at 01:59.
Posts: 264 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by average user
My problem now is that when I try to download any more programs through the App Manager, I get a message telling me that the package list can not be refreshed and that the last refreshed package list will be displayed. Is there someway to reset the App Manager or is there a limit to the number of entrys in the new app manager list? What might be wrong?

This happens when one of your repositories is not responding or you typed in the URL wrong. Disable repositories one at a time by clicking the edit button while a repostiory is selected and unchecking the "Enable" box.
Once the App Manager is able to refresh the list, you'll have found the offending repository. Carefully examine the URL for a typo. Also try it with and without a / at the end of the URL. Verify the Distribution and Components fields too.
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Don't get discouraged.
You ported a great app. Maybe someone can step up to the plate and handle the packaging.

Originally Posted by elpaso
...And given this feedback, then next time I will probably just dont'release anything.

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