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Posts: 50 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ France

I have copy on the internal memory the app "liberkey". It's a collection of portable app for windows (I use them frequently when i don't have my computer).

The directory contains a large amount of image which i can see in the image application on N900.

It's really boring, because now it take long time to open the image application.

How could I disable image indexing of this directory ?

I have planned to add more windows app on the internal memory to drop my usb key and only carry my N900 but I must fix this issue before.
Posts: 242 | Thanked: 103 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Sheffield, UK
Yes, I would like to know this as well. I get loads of album art/scanned documents turning up in my gallery. You can click on 'all images' and then 'filter by folder', 'camera default folder' to just show images taken by the camera, but it's annoying to have to do this every time you open the gallery. It would be nice if there was a way to just disable those folders completely so they never show up at all.
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Originally Posted by mymybib View Post
The directory contains a large amount of image which i can see in the image application on N900.

It's really boring, because now it take long time to open the image application.

How could I disable image indexing of this directory ?
Look at this thread,

There is an indexing task called "tracker"... that's one problem because of the resources it consumes. The other problem is that the speed with which the Image Viewer seems to open is proportional to the number of images on your device.


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delaroca and DaSilva you rules !
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have a look at this thread:

it covers the same issue wrt videos, and there are some working solutions.

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No problem. I like it to help other people.
The next time you can also press the "Thanks!" button under each post so you don't have to answer (for lazy people and to give others a countable feedback).

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to DaSilva For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by DaSilva View Post
No problem. I like it to help other people.
The next time you can also press the "Thanks!" button under each post so you don't have to answer (for lazy people and to give others a countable feedback).
can u xplain more, on how & what to edit on the ,cfg file ?
Posts: 729 | Thanked: 155 times | Joined on Dec 2009
You should ask that in the other thread as I don't have a N900 yet

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