, 15:46
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Joined on Dec 2007
@ Berlin - Love this city!!
At the end of December i also bought a N900.
What a cool phone!
I'm really glad Nokia released this phone.
I always used Nokia, but was getting a little bit concerned.
After i had a n81 i bought the n95 8gb.
This with the thought that the open source version would be released soon. When i had the phone a few months Nokia send out a message it would be released at the beginning of 2010. But not for the N95.. So i was a little dissapointed since the N95 would be perfect for that. Heard that basically the n97 has the same proc/chipset, but was even downclocked..
When i saw the N900 i was really glad, an open phone.
I hoped/knew that there would be a lot of apps for this device, and if i wanted, i could create stuff for it too. (Not a programmer, but interested in it.)
Now i'm still a little concerned after using the device a little while.
It's really still beta everywhere. Sync with google agenda not that stable. No full mail client which i could use for my 2 gmail accounts.
(In the same way as thunderbird)
Basically a lot of things which don't work, or not properly.
Ovi store not open, Sygic not released yet.. etc..
And also the story of the optification.
I really hope that this will be ok in the next few months..
A shame i can only contribute now by submitting bugs if i encounter issues.. Really hope that Maemo will kick iPhone's/Androids ***
Although i do like android hahaha.