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Dear MaemoCommuity!

I'm really missing the abilitiy to send arbitrary files over bluetooth and so on.
... So i started searching for a solution and finally i found a "less-than-ideal solution": The so called "Petrovich".

But as far as i know there is no search function included to Petrovich?

I would also appreciate if the ability to send files via bluetooth and so on would be integrated into the media player of Nokia N900 too!

Are there any solutions concerning these matters?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Greetings from Austria ~ Atomkraftzwerg
... sry for my bad english

Last edited by chemist; 2010-01-16 at 21:57.
benny1967's Avatar
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There's information that sending files from the file manager via BT will be available in a future firmware update. This will basically mimic the functionality of Petrovic.

Of course that doesn't say anything about the implementation in the media player. However, there's a slight chance they could do it:
IIRC, one of the reasons it wasn't implemented in the first place had to do with the official certification of the bluetooth stack for images only. If now they really re-certified it to send arbitrary data, they could make the functionality available in the Media Player. You'll see.

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Thanks for your information!

And what about the missing search function? Will this be included in the upcoming firmware update?

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Administrator | Posts: 1,036 | Thanked: 2,019 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Germany
Please create a brainstorm item and read the links in my signature.

Greetings to Austria

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