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So, I'm getting myself an N800 soon, and I just wanted to check up on the software support in 2007. I've looked around the forums, and it seems to be a lot like the situation with S60 3rd ed. ie. people are slowly getting around to porting their software for it.

So, questions. I know most of these have probably been answered before, but I didn't want to wake up too many zombie threads, and I figured it would be easier to just post them over here.

1. What kind (if any) "network security assessment" tools are currently working in 2007? And if they are, are they working well enough to actually be used as such?

2. What about Kismet? Does it even work properly on the 770 yet? And are there any plans to implement support for Flite? Or does that allready work?

Last edited by havocplague; 2007-01-20 at 02:14.

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