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Posts: 229 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Hello guys,

After I found there is a Finnish forum and also another national forums I got the idea to make a Bulgarian Forum.

Please fell free to write down your thoughts, problems, findings, hopes for your N900 devices.

For beginning I want to share my experience with N900. I have the devise since start of December 2009. I used to use E90, which for me was a dream device.
I am using my N900 mostly for business use and a little for fun.

Till now there are some good and some bad things I have found about N900. As Internet tablet it works fine, but as phone - there is many missing functionalities , which I hope we will get with next updates.

For now there are two main problems I have:

1. I can not upgrade the device via OTA, so I am using flasher 3,5.
2. There is a problem with my App manager - some of apps I can not download (via wi-fi) and install.

Please fell free to add your opinions - either on English or on Bulgarian.

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Posts: 861 | Thanked: 936 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
Do we really need a separate Bulgarian forum here? I don't feel the need. Anyway - I am able to upgrade OTA in Bulgaria. Also - yeah, there are a lot of phone features missing on N900(voice dial, contacts groups, profiles, missed events reminder, call log etc.), but I hope they will come soon. At least part of them.
Otherwise - great device, except for ridiculous autonomy time.

Last edited by zlatko; 2010-08-15 at 13:41.
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Hello Zlatko,

Well, I do not want to separate Bulgaria from Earth, but I do think that there are many Bulgarian N900 users, so we can share experience and thoughts.

We can go on with this forum if it is useful. If not - we will skip it.

Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Здравейте и от мен.
Имам много въпроси и ще се радвам някои от БГ да ми орговори.
Искам да знам как мога да настроя fMMS на вивател?
Очаква ли се скоро нов ъпдейт и някои случайно знае ли какво ново ще излезе с него?
Благодаря редварително.
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
I think that this is not the place for a separate forum for the Bulgarians.
Perhaps elsewhere on the Internet.
Otherwise, I welcome the idea of a Bulgarian forum and share experiences.
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Здравей tweety,

Не ползвам ММS и няма да мога да ти бъда полезен. Виж в форумите - мисля, че видях един доста дълъг.

Paзбира се, че се чака нов ъпдейт - PR.1.1.1 беше само да "изчисти" Н900 от някои бъгове и да го подготви за PR. 1.2. Засега има само спекулации какво ще има в следващия ъпдейт. Може би ще е в средата/края на Март месец - ще видим.

Дано да оправят ОВИ и да допълнят картата за БГ, че е много постна.

Някой използва ли в БГ навигация с Н900 в БГ и каква?
Аз ползвам стария ми телефон: Е90+Гармин.

Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
jorjino благодаря за отговора
Аз лично съм на мнение че този БГ форум ще е от голяма полза за тези,които притежават Н900 и го ползват в БГ

The Following User Says Thank You to tweety For This Useful Post:
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Някой може ли да ми каже как да ползвам DialCentral какво е нужно?
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Posts: 4,708 | Thanked: 4,649 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Bulgaria
Да си в usa.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Здравейте отново
искам да попитам някой до сега ползвал ли е 3g в БГ и въобще възможно ли е на този етап видео разговор ????
Също така и как се правят настройките за ММs към ВИВАКОМ в БГ

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