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Interesting read, maybe with a bit negative tone on the other non-Android Phone OS'es but still good read anyway, looking at the viability of Google as an Open Source/Linux kernel based contributor (or not).

The original link, for completeness and credits :

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Google's response is that they need more time to incorporate Android into the kernel code:

“I would be comfortable saying that we’ll likely merge into the mainline in the next couple of years,” DiBona said in an e-mail response to this ZDNet blogger’s questions about the controversy. Android is “no more [a fork] than Red Hat Enterprise Linux or any other distribution vendor. All kernels are in some way a fork for some amount of time, the trick is keeping that delta small. We’re trying to do a better job of keeping a small delta.”
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struggle between evil and "Don't be evil".
hope "Don't be evil" will win early.
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i guess it shows that android is a project google bought, and is having trouble asimilating.
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Originally Posted by u2maemo View Post
struggle between evil and "Don't be evil".
hope "Don't be evil" will win early.
unfortunately they are getting so large that I don't think they will be able to avoid the evil much longer. Just being that big is evil IMO.

Google is the new microsoft. Before long they will be the cloud with walls. Good luck to anyone that puts all their eggs into googles basket.

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Given the choice between Microsoft's bloat, Apple's control, and Google's size, I'll take Google.

Back to the OP, I think the issue is overblown. After all, until Android, there was no viable mobile phone OS that even approached the Linux kernel. Writing code for mobile phones requires time and investment. I don't find it surprising that Google has not gotten their code into a state where it can be added to the kernel and I'm willing to give them time, given that they seem to be investing a lot more than Intel/Nokia are investing in the Meego project.
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This is exactly why I think Google is evil.
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I'm not seeing how this is evil. They're admitting that the code wasn't mainline, it was behind... and ultimately they're lagging.

Removing is actually more an admission of being behind than "evil". Am I wrong?

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Posts: 240 | Thanked: 48 times | Joined on Apr 2009
It amazes me just how deep the hate for Google goes. Yes they give away a lot of their services in return data mine for advertising. This is understood when you sign up with them. But their products are usually cutting edge and functional. Not to mention how they continue to mesh multiple projects together near seamless. I find the hate to be just that, hate on a company that really has done zilch (to my knowledge) to wrong anyone. I hope that Google continues to buy up small start ups and bring them to the next level that otherwise the start up would never be able to reach. And did I mention free
Nokia N810 Diablo
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I think the problem is that Googe are so big they can enter any online business segment (e.g. online apps) and dominate the competition.

Pretty much what Microsoft did many years ago.
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