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My N800 is going back today because it has a dark shadow bar vertically down the right side of the screen. Very noticeable on white backgrounds - anyone else having this problem or shadows around the screen?
I ordered a new one already so hoping it won't be the case with the next one.

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Originally Posted by oceans777 View Post
My N800 is going back today because it has a dark shadow bar vertically down the right side of the screen. Very noticeable on white backgrounds - anyone else having this problem or shadows around the screen?
I ordered a new one already so hoping it won't be the case with the next one.
It seems everyone has it -- only the degree of darkness varies, so I don't think you'll be pleasantly surprized with the replacement.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2007
Thats good to know - I think I'll just stick with this one then and cancel the new one.
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by oceans777 View Post
Thats good to know - I think I'll just stick with this one then and cancel the new one.
Mine has a shadow on the right side and a lighter one on the left side. It took some getting used to, especially with FBReader (in portrait mode), but experimenting with screen brightness and FBReader's background has greatly alleviated the issue.

I don't even think Nokia still accepts returns because of the shadowing.
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Yes mine is just kind of faint on the right - Nokia issued an RMA with no hassle but I started thinking better a devil I know than an N800 that may be worse...
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mine is also much more noticable in FBReader and also on the white boot screen. That right edge also gets much warmer for me. My guess is that is where the screen connects to the internals.
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I can see the little lights on that side - I think you're right..
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There's a light source under the screen (on the right side on the N800). There is one on all LCD screens of this type, although it's done a bit differently depending on the brand (Palm Sanyo screens are very different from the Sony screens, the latter are much nicer but the lights are very visible). The shadows are probably caused by the angle to the screen so near the light source, or something like that. In any case it's normal.
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Well I picked mine up in the case over the weekend and it slipped out, hit the corner of my desk right on the display of course. Now a much brighter spot right where it hit on the display but no other damage or abrasion on the screen. The film screen protector had a nice gash in it where it took the impact.

So my wife now has it since she could care less about the screen inconsistency and I have a new one coming.

Not a fan of the soft case so far.

Last edited by oceans777; 2007-02-19 at 18:17.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2007
The new N800 just arrived and the screen seems not quite as bright but there are no shadows or dark areas that I can see.
I can still see the little lights along the right side but they are not as pronounced and the dark vertical bar that was along the right side is definitely not there on the new one.

I know this may sound silly but the new one is much faster booting up and running.
My original N800 seems to be very slow doing most things -randomly freezes up loading web pages and email.


Last edited by oceans777; 2007-02-19 at 19:49.

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