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Dancairo's Avatar
Posts: 423 | Thanked: 486 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ London, England
Hi all...

I'm a very keen chess player but just don't like the built in chess app, the pieces are ugly and there aren't enough I've been looking around for alternatives, flash being the obvious until somebody more familiar with developing than me comes up with a better alternative.

I've been following the 'Miniature' thread and look forward to when it's ready, thanks to qgil and others there for all your hard work.

So, this is what I have so far.....

FlashchessIII - A good looking game with the ability to save current state of play, and choose white or black.

as it plays in the browser you can zoom in.

FlashChessI - A simple flash chess game...good for beginners.

Sillybullchess - Another simple game, just a different display.

Flash Chesser - Just a board and pieces that you move, great for analysing games....

Mate Master - A good chess puzzle game, includes many 'mate in' puzzles of increasing difficulty (maybe able to add more puzzles, i'll look into it when i've done them all).

And finally, as they are played in the browser you can add shortcuts to your desktop :-)

UPDATE 15 FEB 2011. Two more to add......

CrazyChess..Quite a nice chess game with several levels of difficulty, you have to take the pieces with your white piece as they advance down the board whilst avoiding being captured yourself.
A good, fun game that helps speed of thought I suppose.

ChessMineFields..Place your pieces safely onto the board in a given amount of time. Great little time killer.

Uploaded to rapidshare, just about, extract and copy to N900.
I have them in a chess folder on my SD card with shorcuts...

One final thing, as i've said before, i'm not a developer but was hoping somebody who is could have a look at these links and see if there is any possiblity? :-)

Incidentally, the chess game I use most now though is Chessmaster on the SNES emulator...looks and plays well in 2D mode.

Last edited by Dancairo; 2011-03-17 at 16:21. Reason: Thread title change

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qgil's Avatar
Posts: 3,105 | Thanked: 11,088 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Mountain View (CA, USA)
Man, you deliver...

Are these free apps or...?
Dancairo's Avatar
Posts: 423 | Thanked: 486 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ London, England
:-)... yep, all free, they're flash apps just gathered from around the web.

really looking forward to your miniature app though...would love a program to play through some PGN's.
Dancairo's Avatar
Posts: 423 | Thanked: 486 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ London, England
I'm taking the liberty of bumping this because I've added a couple more games and a new link.

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Switch_'s Avatar
Posts: 601 | Thanked: 549 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Redditch, UK
Where do you get the FlashchessIII from mate? Looks good and like you, I enjoy a game or two
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Dancairo's Avatar
Posts: 423 | Thanked: 486 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ London, England
It's in the download rar from rapidshare in my first post, just download and extract :-)


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Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Thanks buddy for the good and free stuff : )) Looking forward for more ) flash chat

Last edited by cris2239; 2011-03-18 at 13:39.
Banned | Posts: 3,412 | Thanked: 1,043 times | Joined on Feb 2010
AHA well done Dan we actually share the same desires for a damm good chess game, will keep you busy on them lonely bus rides home late at night hehehe.
Dancairo's Avatar
Posts: 423 | Thanked: 486 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ London, England
Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
AHA well done Dan we actually share the same desires for a damm good chess game, will keep you busy on them lonely bus rides home late at night hehehe.
Thanks abill, Actually , I usually ride a motorbike home most of the time and save the buses for when I fancy a drink after work - never tried playing chess while riding but it's a thought!

Should have updated this thread though because all my chess needs are currently sated by Garnet.
I have Chess Tiger, Chess Genius, Hiarcs and Openchess installed and they all work excellently...
Here are some screen shots:-

Open Chess


Chess Tiger

Chess Genius

And they all have changeable views, similar to this:-

And I've also now got Eboard for playing through PGNs

Last edited by Dancairo; 2011-03-17 at 13:22.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Dancairo For This Useful Post:
Posts: 141 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Ahmedabad, India
wow, lots of cool options .. Agree that the inbuilt chess game is pretty dumb. Shall check out couple of other games listed above !

Thanks for sharing this info mate!

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