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According to this article here and this one on GSM Arena, 1.6 million apps are downloaded via OVI store each day, and N900 is one of the top 10 active devices.

Honestly, I don't buy that, simply because there is practically NOTHING to download for N900 on the OVI store. IMHO the numbers they issued are fake.

There are currently 25 applications for N900 on OVI, out of which only 3-4 are worth(?) tryng (not even using on a daily basis), plus 1-2 games. If I was to count on OVI, I would have never bought the N900.

Thank God for the maemo community (and the repos) for developing and porting such amazing software for this device.

Last edited by troff76; 2010-04-20 at 07:03.

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Originally Posted by troff76 View Post
Thank God for the maemo community (and the repos) for developing and porting such amazing software for this device.
Couldn't agree more - thank God for the Maemo community of coders supreme

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To say that Ovi store people messed up is an understatement. But, if you think about it, it kinda makes sense that we don't have non-community apps at this moment. With Qt coming in PR1.2, there is no point in developing apps without it now, when everything from Maemo and Symbian to MeeGo will run Qt stuff. Qt will change a lot of things - not right away, but it will.

So I'm willing to give Nokia - and some future iteration of Ovi store - a chance. When Qt hits, I expect new apps, widgets, the works. The thing about Maemo and MeeGo - they have the best foundation to build upon. Someday in the future, when new Android apps start to require Android 3.0 and new phones, when new fancy iPhone apps start to require iPads and iPhone 4Gs, your little N900 will still push the latest and the brightest stuff, and its Ovi store will be filled with apps shared by other phones, netbooks, tablets and even symbian phones. Until then, yea, we have to make do with what we have. And imagine tomorrow when we start getting high quality apps sponsored by Nokia and Intel AND still have the best community in the mobile world.
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Qt is devil's spawn.

I love the current Hildon/GTK+/GNOME/Freedesktop/etc. state of affairs and mourn on Qt killing this great platform.
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It's probably true. The N900 has a pre-installed link to the Ovi Store from the desktop, let's not forget. And users hammering to see if the Ovi Store finally has any much N900 content.

But... What does it even mean?

"The Nokia N900 has been in the top 10 performing devices in 3 of the top 10 most active countries for the last several weeks"

Top 10 performing devices? Yes, it's one of the fastest devices to check out the store and find nothing of interest? Or it has the best sing-and-dance act of any that is supported on the store?

Last edited by volt; 2010-04-20 at 07:45.

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Quotation in thread title is wrong. The link doesn't say that N900 is in top 10 for the whole Ovi store.

It's in top 10 in only three countries.

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In three of the top ten countries.
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I dont know, lets start listing the devices so we can get a better perspective and put n900 on 10th place already:

1st N97 (mini?)
2nd E72
3rd 5800
4th X6
5th N86
6th N95 comes with music
7th E71
8th 5530
9th ???
10th N900

So depending on how you gruop you can put similar devices, like E72-E71 and so on, on the same group due to screen size.
Samething goes with 5800-X6, N97-N97 mini. So it depends on how they group. If Nokia is doing this I dont see how N900 could not be on 10th place.
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Originally Posted by smoku View Post
Qt is devil's spawn.

I love the current Hildon/GTK+/GNOME/Freedesktop/etc. state of affairs and mourn on Qt killing this great platform.
And why is it the devil's spawn, may I ask? Are we to take your word for it, or do you have some actual reasons.

Qt is cross-platform. More platforms - more apps. If anything will bring something even remotely close to App Store or Android Market on MeeGo, its Qt.

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This reminds me of the football season of 2004/05, when my favourite team was almost relegated.

Our second most prolific striker had zero goals.
My repository

"N900 community support for the MeeGo-Harmattan" Is the new "Mer is Fremantle for N810".

No more Nokia devices for me.

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