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Claws Mail, (formerly known as Sylpheed-Claws), is a GTK+-based e-mail client and news client for Linux, forked from Sylpheed in April 2001. It was initially the bleeding-edge testbed for new Sylpheed features, but evolved enough to now be a completely separate program.

It is light, easy to configure, and easy to use. Claws Mail has an intuitive interface and a lot of features and flexibility.

The first release of maemo port is available on garage at This version is not completely hildonized but fullscreen is available for main windows.
I have only a 770 and this version is not tested on N800.

Jean-Luc Biord
Posts: 316 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Maryland, US
thx. I will give it a try on my N800
Posts: 316 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Maryland, US
wow - there are lots of configuration options

I managed to set up the initial account fine. can receive and send emails

I tried a few times to add a second account but it won't save with the message
"Error - The default inbox folder doesn't exist."

In the settings the Default inbox = #mh/Mailbox/inbox
this seems to be the same value as the initial account I created also.
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Yes, I encountered this problem. To create the other boxes:

1. Add a box by the menu "File | Add mailbox"
2. Choose the menu "Create new account"
3. In tab "Receive" and lineedit "Default Inbox", replace "Mailbox" in "#mh/Mailbox/inbox" by the name of your mailbox created on 1.

Claws-mail seems to be a very good mail client and it's usage is pleasant with the windows in full screen. I chose to hide the menubar on fullscreen to increase the visibility. In this case, the toolbar allows to launch the main actions.
Many themes are available on the home page on

maxilogan's Avatar
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Is this better then Pan as a newsreader? The major flaw of PAN is that if you minimize it, you loose it. You have to kill then relaunch, while it seems that this is hildonized and can have its own icon on the taskbar to switch the tasks regularly.
Does life seem worthwhile to you?
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
I don't know if it's better then Pan as a newsreader. Try it.
Claws mail is partially hildonized but can toggled to fullscreen and if it is minimized, his icon appear on taskbar and the program can be restored.
Posts: 316 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Maryland, US
Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
Yes, I encountered this problem. To create the other boxes:

1. Add a box by the menu "File | Add mailbox"
2. Choose the menu "Create new account"
3. In tab "Receive" and lineedit "Default Inbox", replace "Mailbox" in "#mh/Mailbox/inbox" by the name of your mailbox created on 1.
thanks - that works

Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
Claws-mail seems to be a very good mail client and it's usage is pleasant with the windows in full screen. I chose to hide the menubar on fullscreen to increase the visibility. In this case, the toolbar allows to launch the main actions.
Many themes are available on the home page on

It seems like it will work very well. I don't expect to be using email on the N800 too much, but when I do this might be the tool
With the size of the screen though I think any email client is going to feel cramped.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2007 @ South Carolina USA
I'd like to say that the claws-mail update, 2.8.1-2, is quite impressive. I love the feature set. Thank you!
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Originally Posted by perkata View Post
I'd like to say that the claws-mail update, 2.8.1-2, is quite impressive. I love the feature set. Thank you!
I've test both "sylpheed" and "claws" and I'm not so impressed by "claws"

While having the accounts settings on both I'm not able to send mail with "claws"
(smtp errors) the accounts need authentification.

Other flaws:
- if I set the first account while off line after switching on line I get a message about corrupted mailbox and the only way to get ride off it is to remove the directory ".claws-mail" in "/home/user"
- when composing a message the "To" field is behind the on-screen keyboard making hard to correct typing errors

So I wiil stick to "sylpheed" hoping it will not disapears to the benefit of "claws"

I'm from France and I own a N800 for 2 months (1st experience with tablet)

Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by glasseur View Post
I've test both "sylpheed" and "claws" and I'm not so impressed by "claws"

While having the accounts settings on both I'm not able to send mail with "claws"
(smtp errors) the accounts need authentification.
An option in account settings enable the authentification when the mails are sended. Check in accounts configuration dialog
Other flaws:
- if I set the first account while off line after switching on line I get a message about corrupted mailbox and the only way to get ride off it is to remove the directory ".claws-mail" in "/home/user"
I have tried to reproduce the problem but all worked correctly
- when composing a message the "To" field is behind the on-screen keyboard making hard to correct typing errors
You are right but no solution exists for this problem. With Sypheed, the "To" field is not behind the keyboard but it's the text field.
So I wiil stick to "sylpheed" hoping it will not disapears to the benefit of "claws"
Sylpheed and Claws-mail are two different applications and one will not disappear for the other.
I'm from France and I own a N800 for 2 months (1st experience with tablet)
I love France

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