Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010
I really need Microsoft Exchange (Exchange 2007) access on N810, with a way to store emails locally, i.e. not through the OWA web access. The most ideal solution would be a push OWA client (like Seven, emoze or Exchange for Nokia). I have tried everything, but so far no luck. I even upgraded to the N900, but that was a failure for many reasons, and wouldn't sync with my Exchange server anyways (the N900 is a non provisioning device, plus it sucks with a small keyboard, small screen, poor phone and pretty much everything else). I tried using DavMail on EasyDebian, it kinda worked but was incredibly slow. Funnily enough, using Outlook via Citrix on Easy Debian is amazingly fast, but that only works for one of my Exchange accounts, the other is not Citrix enabled.The only solution I have yet to try is to run emoze or similar as a jar file with one of the recently released java environments (can't remember the name offhand). Has anyone tried this?
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ Idaho
I only understand a bit of your post but I haven't seen a mail program on diablo that supports exchange. It's not a business-ish device.
If my posts have a few misspellings or other errors, it's probably cause I'm pounding out words at the speed of insanity on my N810.

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