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Posts: 30 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I have honestly searched for this from google and here but found no solution.

my problem is that when trying install/uninstall from app manager it says installation space full. using apt-get has worked but it's pain to lookup all the package names just to install something. any ideas? is my only solution to reflash firmware + user memory?

heres a paste from app manager log:
hildon-application-manager 2.2.65
Installing conky 1.6.1-0maemo5-1.1
apt-worker: free space (/) = 60788736
apt-worker: free space (/home/user/MyDocs/.apt-archive-cache/) = 7261585408
apt-worker: free space (/home/) = 55640064
apt-worker: total space (/home/) = 2113748992
apt-worker: You don't have enough free space in /home
apt-worker: free space (/media/mmc1/.apt-archive-cache/) = 1352892416
apt-worker: free space (/home/) = 55640064
apt-worker: total space (/home/) = 2113748992
apt-worker: You don't have enough free space in /home
apt-worker: free space (/home/.apt-archive-cache/) = 55640064
apt-worker: free space (/home/) = 55640064
apt-worker: total space (/home/) = 2113748992
apt-worker: You don't have enough free space in /home
apt-worker: free space (/var/cache/apt/archives/) = 55640064
apt-worker: free space (/home/) = 55640064
apt-worker: total space (/home/) = 2113748992
apt-worker: You don't have enough free space in /home
required disk space: 2360138
result code = 7
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Sydney
I had the same problem. I was trying to install Instinctiv from the Ovi store, and so apt-get doesn't help. But basically I'm getting the same error from the HAM's log.

apt-worker: free space (/home/) = 110739456
apt-worker: You don't have enough free space in /home
required disk space: 3709960
result code = 7

I ended up moving away like 300MB and it worked again.
PathFinder@9GS's Avatar
Posts: 164 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Jul 2010
"sudo apt-get clean" and try then do
"df -h"

Check the memory left for rootfs partition.

Also try installing wtever u were doing.

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