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Posts: 364 | Thanked: 128 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Australia
Today I saw my fellow train traveler taking out his spanking new iphone and with a couple of taps on his phone he had the railway timmings on his screen from his setting station to the destination , he took 5 seconds to show me how many trains are from our station to where we were going and how long each would take..... I was jealous and bit unhappy as well.

So, I decided to find out how to build an application similar to that and came across a bunch of xml files that are in Transportexchange format.... now my lack of knowledge in programming on Qt or Pythoin is limiting me to write such an application .... so I need some help from experts.

I wish to write it in Qt 4.7 if possible and please suggest where to to read the xpaths etc...

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 180 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by vivmak View Post
I wish to write it in Qt 4.7 if possible and please suggest where to to read the xpaths etc..
Qt 4.7 doc:
Posts: 130 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Sep 2009
There is an app for maemo called "fahrplan" that should be similar, but for german routes as far as i know.
But maybe a good starting point to look at.

And this one can be helpful, too:
Posts: 153 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Nov 2009

i created a similar app for europe, called "fahrplan", it supports different "backends" so it should be quite easy to implement another backend.

if you want to create an app of your own feel free to look at my source. i use xpath aswell.

if you want to contribute to fahrplan simple create a garage account and send a request for access to the fahrplan project.
Posts: 323 | Thanked: 180 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Gent, Belgium
Fahrplan also allows other European routes to be returned, I happily used it in Belgum and UK. It uses the DB (Deutsche Bahn) web backend for all of this.
Posts: 364 | Thanked: 128 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Australia
Originally Posted by smurfy View Post

i created a similar app for europe, called "fahrplan", it supports different "backends" so it should be quite easy to implement another backend.

if you want to create an app of your own feel free to look at my source. i use xpath aswell.

if you want to contribute to fahrplan simple create a garage account and send a request for access to the fahrplan project.
Does it support TransportExchange format or it doesn't matter so long as its in a XML format?

I am in Australia and have downloaded a sample data from the local transport authority website in xml format, all files put together are 851 MB.
Posts: 153 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by vivmak View Post
Does it support TransportExchange format or it doesn't matter so long as its in a XML format?

I am in Australia and have downloaded a sample data from the local transport authority website in xml format, all files put together are 851 MB.
I'm not familiar with that format, i currently parsing html and xml i download live over the internet.

But it should be possible to create an offline solution aswell.

I think the main think is to determine if the way fahrplan displays the journey is the same you like/the data you have allowes.

Currently farplan only support a journey planner, no departure monitor.

You can select the from and to station and a time/date. then it searchs for the connections and displays them.
If you need details about the connection you can click one of the connections and receive a detail view.

is there a way to get hold of the xml data, to check them out?
Posts: 364 | Thanked: 128 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Australia
Originally Posted by smurfy View Post
I'm not familiar with that format, i currently parsing html and xml i download live over the internet.

But it should be possible to create an offline solution aswell.

I think the main think is to determine if the way fahrplan displays the journey is the same you like/the data you have allowes.

Currently farplan only support a journey planner, no departure monitor.

You can select the from and to station and a time/date. then it searchs for the connections and displays them.
If you need details about the connection you can click one of the connections and receive a detail view.

is there a way to get hold of the xml data, to check them out?
Just need the train departure /arrival time from station A to B . No need for departure monitor as it is no available publicly anyways. There is a website but the idea is offline time table.

Sample XML is available at almost end of the following link, its huge, some of the file cant even be loaded to a normal edito on my laptop :
Posts: 153 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by vivmak View Post
Just need the train departure /arrival time from station A to B . No need for departure monitor as it is no available publicly anyways. There is a website but the idea is offline time table.
The steps on the website to get the trip informations looks like the same fahrplan uses. (3 step thing, like i described in my last post)

Originally Posted by vivmak View Post
Sample XML is available at almost end of the following link, its huge, some of the file cant even be loaded to a normal edito on my laptop :
I have to take a look to the xml format specs and ways to read the xml's with an good performance.

i hope i find time on the next weekend.
Posts: 180 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on May 2010
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The files made available via these links are provided for development and testing purposes only. They do not contain complete up to date information on public transport services and should not be used for production applications or services.

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