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I have a subdirectory with a large number of files ranging from to I made two files named ~Index.txt and ~List.txt, but they sort into the middle insted of at the top.

What file name can I give these files to bring them to the top of the file listing?

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Renamed them to _Index.txt and _List.txt.

No Joy.

They still are in the middle of the huge listing of files. :-(

In "File Manager" underscore and Tilde are both ignored in the sort.

In FileBox underscore brings them to the top of the letters, below the numbers
... Tilde puts them at the very bottom

Why do different apps have different collating sequences???

Last edited by RWFarley; 2010-10-30 at 03:24. Reason: more info

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Because the coders randomly pick them, either based on some standard/convention, or another.

I would prefer every file manager came with a settings menu where you got to decide how things are collated...
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{Sorry for losing my cool}
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Do I look like I know? If I did, I'd have told you.

Funny enough, I just noticed something really demented. I have an IRC log starting with "#", and a file starting with "W" which is collated AFTER the "#". However, my files starting with n and above are before the "#". Given that the next character after the # is an o, I suspect this means # gets ignored too in File Manager.

The same file is collated to the top of the file list (but under the folders, which I think is the case everywhere) in FileBox. So I suppose that's one thing to try? "#"? I don't know. I don't have any files starting with numbers in the files I regularly access.

Judging by how "rx51final" and "rx-51" are collated in filebox, I'd say - takes precedence over numbers. (But in File Manager, - comes after the numbers.)

Really, if I can figure that out in four minutes of browsing, why can't you rename your file a few times in a row, or copy and then rename the copies, to see where they end up? (Worse case scenario, if 0 collates before 1, can't you just preface the files you want with 0 [and/or other characters after the zero]?)

Last edited by Mentalist Traceur; 2010-10-30 at 22:34. Reason: Typo: "Depended" supposed to be "Demented"

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Try something like ~.Index.txt - the extra dot keeps the file manager from being too clever.

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@Mentalist Traceur - I wasn't yelling a YOU. You were helping me. I was just a bit frustrated that something so seemingly basic was so complex. I was shouting to the world at large.

@cpulvermacher Good idea. Works for "File Manager" :-)
Unfortunately it puts them at the very bottom of FileBox. Such is my life. :-)

I'll stop here and just remember which program I need to use for which purpose....


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I just tested a bunch of charactes, and I can say that File Manager seems to ignore +, %, €, $, !, _, =, and ~. (However, between them, it collates them in reverse order. So ~ is first, then =, then _, then !, etc.)

Filebox seems to give precedence to !, then # then $, then %, then +, then digits 0-9, then =, then _. ~ and € go at the bottom.

I also tested the infinity sign, which seems to go under all the other special characters (though in Filebox, this means very bottom, while in File Manager, it's skipped over in favor of the next character, just like most of the special characters, and is collated after those according to the above.)

I don't have the desire to mess with all the other special characters I have mapped to my keyboard. Needless to say, most of them probably lead to dropping something to the very bottom of the collation.

The one that shows promise is ! - the Filemanager has an option to collate in reverse alphabetical order. I didn't test, but perhaps this means you can set it to collate in reverse alphabetical order, and all the special characters will reverse too (one can hope), and maybe, just maybe, that setting persists between openings of File Manager.
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jul 2010
What abount just "0" for the top and "ZZZZZZZZZ" for the bottom?

collating, sequence

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