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Posts: 52 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ West Yorks
So I was furtling around with some shell scripts and espeak to say the time.
Fair enough. But you have to open the device to execute something to read it out, so by that time I've seen the time. So fun, but pointless.

So I thought about shortcutd to run the script from a hardware button - long camera button hold.

But this only works if the screen is open, again. So pointless.

But yea! A miracle occurs.

For some reason, if I double click the power button whilst the device is closed, the slide to unlock screen appear and the aforementioned script is executed. Without user input, the unlock screen just goes away.

So hey, presto, just double clikc the power button to get the time read out.

Tweakr double click set to show menu

Any ideas why?

[edit] So I'm a chump as I had installed espeaktime a while back. Doh![/edit]

Last edited by mrmoosehead; 2010-12-15 at 20:17.
Posts: 458 | Thanked: 274 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Finland
Are you sure you didn't just install ESpeakTime?
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ West Yorks
Doh! I'm such a muppet. I had installed that a while back but hadn't read the destructions.
Now I feel like a chump.

Posts: 235 | Thanked: 89 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ italy
Hi guys, I hope it's right place to post my answer.
There's a small bug in espeaktime about "am" pronounce in italian language: while pm is correctly talk, am is pronounced as am connected, like "america" instead of "a m" separated by a blank. I'd like to correct by myself this small bug but:
1. I don't know where I've to correct it, if in espeak or espeaktime
2. I've to correct it in source code and after did it recompile the package? or I can simpler correct a file?
3. if I've just to put a blank in a file without recompile package, where is this file? I scanned my filesystem using: '#: find / -iname *espeakcaller*' checking "am" in every related file wirthout success
any suggest please?
If you found my post useful please thank me, I appreciate!

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