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Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007

I'm wondering if gizmo is a real SIP-Client! I don't really want a gizmo account since I have allready an SIP account from arcor (german Provider). And I tried everything to make the SIP-account work with gizmo - but it didn't helped!! The strange thing is, that there's no error message!!
So - is it possible to use gizmo as an real SIP-client!! Are there other SIP-clients ported to maemo? (OS 2007)
Hope this is no dumb question!!

Posts: 23 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2007
It's certainly possible to do so. However, the syntax for SIP dialing through Gizmo is a bit odd sometimes.

When you need to dial a SIP IP address that doesn't have user accounts, just an IP, you have to make up a user account in order to get it to dial at all.

i.e. where you would dial you would need to dial instead. It doesn't matter what you put before the @, it just needs to be there.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
no - you missunderstood me!!
I don't wanted to dial my arcor account but I tried to log in to my account using gizmo as an softphone!! However I think you can just log in to Gizmo-SIP-accounts since it is no open SIP-client!!
Does anybody menaged to port another Softphone to maemo!!


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dustXman, I set up Gizmo to work with my existing SIP-accounts ( and being the providers) without any problems.

The only thing you need to know is that you need to set up your existing account through the "secondary account"-option on the login screen. I never found any other method for this from within Gizmo. Also, Gizmo never uses the axpression "SIP-account", they always refer to it as "secondary account". (This is probably because Gizmo itself uses SIP itself, so technically "SIP" doesn't make a difference )
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Originally Posted by dustXman View Post
no - you missunderstood me!!
I don't wanted to dial my arcor account but I tried to log in to my account using gizmo as an softphone!! However I think you can just log in to Gizmo-SIP-accounts since it is no open SIP-client!!
Does anybody menaged to port another Softphone to maemo!!

If you're referring to the 2nd account capability of the Gizmo client, you need to use an internet-accessible server since Gizmo servers will be making the connection on your behalf.

Here's Gizmo's knowledgebase article on the subject:
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Gizmo may solve the SIP thing sorta, but brings up a whole lot of other issues (especially privacy issues). IMO it shouldn't be counted in as a SIP solution for the N800.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
Has there really no other Softphone beeing ported to maemo?

Posts: 29 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2007
I believe there was ported one for the N770
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007

Which Phone was ported? Ekiga?


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