Poll: how long until NOKIA fires Elop?
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how long until NOKIA fires Elop?

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misterc's Avatar
Posts: 1,625 | Thanked: 998 times | Joined on Aug 2010
even without digging much, one can't help feeling Mr. Elop maybe isn't to (mis-)quote a post on an other (related) thread "the sharpest knife in the cabinet"... ()

how long 'til NOKIA's board comes to its mind?
ysss's Avatar
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I troll, you troll, Elop trolls, fanboys troll, Nokia trolls, MS trolls, trollollollololl.....lol lol lol... lol lol lol..
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When M$ buys Nokia.
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I've voted number 4, because he will keep his job at least for a year, no matter how harmful his moves are. Any normal company would show him the door after all the s*** he made. The fact that they didn't suggests there is missing part of the puzzle.

Personally, no matter what the missing part is, the the end results will be the same.
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2011
will be fired if the wp7 not go well on sales
Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
Elop will only be fired by nokia when nokia turns
from this

to this
Posts: 1,400 | Thanked: 3,751 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Arctic cold of northern .fi
The board made it very clear that he would have free reign on strategy. It's going to take total failure on WP7strategy before he gets fired.

Or La La Land rainbow-scenario of someone buying Nokia and booting him out.
Kangal's Avatar
Posts: 1,789 | Thanked: 1,699 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I voted for the last option because so far its the most accurate.

Kicking Elop out would be like telling the investors; hey we are heading to a waterfall in a leakey boat while surrounded by sharks! And guess what we just threw out the other paddle.

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