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MyNokiaN900's Avatar
Posts: 249 | Thanked: 217 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ United Kingdom
For the past few weeks I have been rallying friends, family and colleagues to post a comment or recommendation on my Nokia N9 Test Pilot website. The idea is that I pitch the reason why I should be given the chance to test pilot the N9. My pitch is on the top half of the website, which I believe stands me in a good position because I have a popular website, I am a massive fan of Nokia and the N900 (N9 or N950), blog, tweet, pasionately motivate people why they should go with a Nokia instead of other brands and willing to make the N9 an even more popular phone with my reviews, blogs and tweets.

Here are the original rules of the competition (as of 16th July 2011) when I entered.

Become a test pilot for Nokia N9
How to apply

Take the opportunity to become one of 30 selected test pilots of new Nokia N9. The selection is based on an assessment of how well you fit just as a test pilot. The 30 best-motivation and the best recommendations from friends will be selected. August 21, 2011 is last day to apply. In order to apply pair your Facebook account with this site and then invites your own friends to tell about why you are suitable as a test pilot for Nokia N9.

To have a chance of being selected, you must first write a good justification. But you also need to fight for your friends to advise you on this site. You do this by dividing your application on Facebook and show them to your application in which they comment on it and recommend you! It is important to you as a participant encourage your friends to comment and keep the dialogue alive on your application, it increases the chances of admittance.

The jury consists of representatives from Nokia Sweden who will review all applications and select the 30 that are considered best suited as test pilots. The decision, based both on the participant's own motivation and participant support from friends, is final and can not be appealed. Nokia is able to remove the contribution that can be perceived offensive. To participate, you must be over 18 years. Nokia reserves the right to use entries in their marketing.
Being a test pilot

The 30 selected test pilots undertake at a later stage to conduct the test data with the Nokia N9 such as (but not limited to) to blog about Nokia N9, Twitter and use it during September and October 2011. Each selected test pilot also agree that the above event appears in Nokia's own channels, such as (but not limited to) and / or one or more third-party media. The pilot retains its Nokia N9 after the test period. The phone can not be exchanged for money.

New cooperation and competition description struck between Nokia and Sweden each selected test pilot. The test pilot at the end of the period deemed to have made its best efforts to showcase and disseminate knowledge on Nokia N9 rewarded with a weekend trip for two to London.

Any profits tax paid by the participant. The adopted notified by e-mail. Nokia employees and their relatives may not participate.

All data are processed in PDA, the Personal Data Act.
So how disappointed am I when I discover today that Nokia Sweden have gone and changed the rules

Become a test pilot for Nokia N9
How to apply

Take the opportunity to become one of 30 selected test pilots of new Nokia N9. The selection is based on an assessment of how well you fit just as a test pilot. The 30 best-motivation and the best recommendations from friends will be selected. August 21, 2011 is last day to apply. In order to apply pair your Facebook account with this site and then invites your own friends to tell about why you are suitable as a test pilot for Nokia N9.

To have a chance of being selected, you must first write a good justification. But you also need to fight for your friends to advise you on this site. You do this by dividing your application on Facebook and show them to your application in which they comment on it and recommend you! It is important to you as a participant encourage your friends to comment and keep the dialogue alive on your application, it increases the chances of admittance.

The jury consists of representatives from Nokia Sweden who will review all applications and select the 30 that are considered best suited as test pilots. The decision, based both on the participant's own motivation and participant support from friends, is final and can not be appealed. Nokia is able to remove the contribution that can be perceived offensive. To participate, you must be over 18 years. Nokia reserves the right to use entries in their marketing.

Being a test pilot

The 30 selected test pilots undertake at a later stage to conduct the test data with the Nokia N9 such as (but not limited to) to blog about Nokia N9, Twitter and use it during September and October 2011. Each selected test pilot also agree that the above event appears in Nokia's own channels, such as (but not limited to) and / or one or more third-party media. Since the activities are performed in Nokia's own Swedish channels must test pilots to be resident in Sweden and document their test in Swedish.

The pilot retains its Nokia N9 after the test period. The phone can not be exchanged for money.

New cooperation and competition description struck between Nokia and Sweden each selected test pilot. The test pilot at the end of the period deemed to have made its best efforts to showcase and disseminate knowledge on Nokia N9 rewarded with a weekend trip for two to London.

Any profits tax paid by the participant. The adopted notified by e-mail. Nokia employees and their relatives may not participate.

All data are processed in PDA, the Personal Data Act.
Honestly - Can they change the rules midway through the competition? One would think Nokia need all the friends possible right now and doing this has really annoyed me.

What do you think?
My Nokia N900 is my website, still up an running for the Maemo community. My Nokia N900 is upgraded to 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo1.1 ~ CSSU ready ~ Overclocked ~ Speed patched ~ Swappolube ~ was running 7 desktops ~ 270 apps and counting ~ Multi-Boot with Standard Kernel , Kernel Power and NITDroid N12 "UMay".

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hawaii's Avatar
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Get over it.

Instead of leaving vague legalese jargon, they amended and specifically indicated location was dependent, because people who were not from Sweden were applying, by the hoards, might I add.

Doesn't matter, it's completely up to the judges to deem a participant suitable for test piloting. Hence -

The jury consists of representatives from Nokia Sweden who will review all applications and select the 30 that are considered best suited as test pilots
You seriously thought, a site with an .se TLD, content written almost completely in Swedish, who are touring around Sweden only would want the headaches of dealing with foreign entrants?

I hope it's annoyed you enough to stop double posting complaints.

Last edited by hawaii; 2011-08-02 at 21:44.

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Posts: 1,400 | Thanked: 3,751 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Arctic cold of northern .fi
Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 View Post
Here are the original rules of the competition (as of 16th July 2011) when I entered.

These are not the original rules. It's clumsy robotranslation (Google Translate?). The original rules are in Swedish only. Stop complaining about rules that you can't even read.

"The adopted notified by e-mail."
Or start complaining about Nokia Sweden not adopting you despite their promise.

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Sopwith's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
"The adopted notified by e-mail."
Or start complaining about Nokia Sweden not adopting you despite their promise.

I wish Nokia Sweden would adopt me.
In anticipation of TMO's obsolescence, and hoping to meet you all again: elsewhere on the interwebs, I am Dr Doppio.

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This is the dumbest thread ever. How could you even remotely think that this competition was open to entrants not located in Sweden? I get you're excited for the N9, but this is taking it overboard. You aren't an eligible contestant. Sorry man, but anybody with half a brain could see that everything they were doing was aimed at Swedes and only Swedes.

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Posts: 3,464 | Thanked: 5,107 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gothenburg in Sweden
Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 View Post
For the past few weeks I have been rallying friends, family and colleagues to post a comment or recommendation on my Nokia N9 Test Pilot website. The idea is that I pitch the reason why I should be given the chance to test pilot the N9. My pitch is on the top half of the website, which I believe stands me in a good position because I have a popular website, I am a massive fan of Nokia and the N900 (N9 or N950), blog, tweet, pasionately motivate people why they should go with a Nokia instead of other brands and willing to make the N9 an even more popular phone with my reviews, blogs and tweets.

Here are the original rules of the competition (as of 16th July 2011) when I entered.

So how disappointed am I when I discover today that Nokia Sweden have gone and changed the rules

Honestly - Can they change the rules midway through the competition? One would think Nokia need all the friends possible right now and doing this has really annoyed me.

What do you think?
what do you expect!? first of its nokia IN SWEDEN also it is original spelled in swedish :O and then you and others has translated it to english via google.

get over it. There probadly will be similar competitions in your country
danramos's Avatar
Posts: 4,672 | Thanked: 5,455 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Springfield, MA, USA
Xenophobia is SO ugly.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
ossipena's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 View Post
Here are the original rules of the competition (as of 16th July 2011) when I entered.
As far as I can surf in internets, the renewed rules look like this:

Bli testpilot för Nokia N9
Så ansöker du

Ta chansen att bli en av 30 utvalda testpiloter av nya Nokia N9. Urvalet baseras på en bedömning av hur väl just du passar som testpilot. De 30 med bäst motivering och bäst rekommendationer från vänner kommer att bli utvalda. 21 augusti 2011 är sista dagen att ansöka. För att ansöka kopplar du ihop ditt Facebook-konto med denna sajt och uppmanar sedan dina egna vänner att berätta om varför du passar som testpilot för Nokia N9.

För att ha en chans att bli utvald måste du dels skriva en bra motivering. Men du behöver också kämpa för att dina vänner ska rekommendera dig på denna sajt. Det gör du genom att dela din ansökan på Facebook och visa dem till din ansökan där de ska kommentera på den och rekommendera dig! Det är viktigt att du som deltagare uppmuntrar dina vänner att kommentera och hålla dialogen levande kring din ansökan, det ökar chanserna att bli antagen.

Juryn består av representanter från Nokia Sverige som kommer att gå igenom alla ansökningar och välja ut de 30 som anses bäst lämpade som testpiloter. Beslutet som bygger både på deltagarens egen motivering samt deltagarens stöd från vänner, är slutgiltigt och kan inte överklagas. Nokia har möjlighet att ta bort bidrag som kan uppfattas stötande. För att delta måste du ha fyllt 18 år. Nokia förbehåller sig rätten att använda tävlingsbidragen i sin marknadsföring.
Att vara testpilot

De 30 utvalda testpiloterna förbinder sig i ett senare skede att utföra testuppgifter med Nokia N9 som exempelvis (men inte begränsat till) att blogga om Nokia N9, Twittra och använda den under september och oktober 2011. Varje utvald testpilot godkänner också att ovan nämnda aktivitet visas upp i Nokias egna kanaler, som exempelvis (men inte begränsat till) och/eller i ett eller flera tredjepartsmedia. Eftersom aktiviteterna sker i Nokias egna svenska kanaler måste testpiloter vara bosatta i Sverige samt dokumentera sina test på Svenska.

Testpiloterna behåller sin Nokia N9 efter testperioden. Telefonen går inte att byta ut mot pengar.

Nytt samarbetsavtal samt tävlingsbeskrivning träffas mellan Nokia Sverige och varje enskild utvald testpilot. Den testpilot som i slutet av perioden bedöms gjort allra bäst arbete för att visa upp och sprida kunskap om Nokia N9 belönas med en weekend-resa för två personer till London.

Eventuell vinstskatt betalas av deltagaren. De antagna meddelas via e-post. Anställda på Nokia och deras anhöriga får ej delta.

Alla uppgifter behandlas enligt PUL, personuppgiftslagen.
I suck at swedish but still I trust my rusty skills more than machine translation. And I think it is really rude to apply in english into a swedish stuff.

Hur vill du "utföra testupgifter" när du talar inte svensk?!? Med hjälp från google translator och med många galna frasen?
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danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
I suck at swedish but still I trust my rusty skills more than machine translation. And I think it is really rude to apply in english into a swedish stuff.

Hur vill du "utföra testupgifter" när du talar inte svensk?!? Med hjälp från google translator och med många galna frasen?
Aosobi wa awari da!
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
ossipena's Avatar
Posts: 3,159 | Thanked: 2,023 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Finland
Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Aosobi wa awari da!
vad säger du?!?
Want to know something?
K.I.S.S. approach:
wiki category:beginners. Browse it through and you'll be much wiser!
If the link doesn't help, just use
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n9 contest, xenophobia

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