mapped: 44112K
mapped: 51832K
424dc000 52K rw-p [ anon ] 42607000 752K rw-p [ anon ] 426c3000 4K ---p [ anon ] 426c4000 2516K rw-p [ anon ]
42607000 752K rw-p [ anon ] 426c3000 4K ---p [ anon ] 426c4000 8188K rw-p [ anon ] 42ff5000 752K rw-p [ anon ]
424dc000 752K rw-s /SYSV00000000
I see a strange ram usage of my qt application (QtLockscreen) when it is built with the autobuilder.
I tested the ram usage using pmap and I'm gettin this result:
-The app built with QtCreator has a total usage of:
My projects: smssend, groupsms, volumecontroldaemon, vodafone190, vodafone190 desktop widget, QtBatteryWidget, QtLockscreen, Lone Wolf
Donations are welcome