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Goear is a music website where you can listen to a lot of tracks for free...

i modified someone else's script to download and/or play streaming mp3 from this source.

files here, updated: 2011-12-28
update: goear changed to friendly urls

you will need to have already installed bash, wget & mplayer

Last edited by pulketo; 2011-12-28 at 22:31. Reason: notes

The Following User Says Thank You to pulketo For This Useful Post:
Addison's Avatar
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Can you winzip your script?

I think I somehow copied and pasted this wrong.

/usr/bin/music: line 7: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 8: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 9: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 10: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 21: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 25: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 26: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 28: *: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 30: wget: command not found
/usr/bin/music: line 31: *: command not found
grep: /tmp/17397-titulos.txt: No such file or directory

I have an older N800 by the way.
Addison's Avatar
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This is what I have...

# example: goear corey+sunglasses+at+night
# author: at least 3 bash coders
#Si el usuario no pone lo que busca en la linea de comandos, se lo pedimos.
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
* * * * echo "Sintaxis:"
* * * * echo " * *$0 <artist+word1+word2>"
* * * * echo * * *Note: Argument must be plus\(+\) separated or between \"\"
* * * * exit
if [ $1 ]; then
* * * * TITULO="$@"
* * * * echo "Title and Artist:"
* * * * read TITULO
#Descargamos el PHP correspondiente al título.
#line number containing links is always changing so looking for a pattern
head -$(grep -i -n -e 'ventana independiente' $SEARCH | cut -d ":" -f 1) $SEARCH | tail -1 > $CANCIONES
#Mediante ER, obtenemos una lista de canciones y una lista de enlaces.
#By using RegExp... we get song list and links
egrep -o 'listen/......./[^"]*' $CANCIONES > $ENLACES
egrep -o '"Escuchar[^"]*' $CANCIONES | grep -v 'en una ventana independiente' > $TITULOS
#Mostramos al usuario los que ha encontrado en la primera página.
cat $TITULOS | while read line;
* * * * do {
* * * * * * * * echo $Linea: ${line:9}
* * * * * * * * let 'Linea += 1'
* * * * }
* * * * done
#Si no encuentra nada, sale.
CONDICION=`wc -l $TITULOS | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ $CONDICION == 0 ]; then
* * * * echo "No hay resultados. Prueba buscando otra cosa."
* * * * exit
#Leemos qué canción quiere el usuario bajarse.
echo "¿Cuál te quieres bajar? Indica el número: (0 para Cancelar)"
#Cero para Cancelar
if [ $NUMERO = 0 ]; then
* * * * echo "Hasta pronto."
* * * * exit
#Concatenamos con el contenido de aBajar.txt.
#PD: Alguien sabe hacerlo de manera más sencilla?
head -$NUMERO $ENLACES | tail -1 > $TODOWNLOAD
echo $ENLACE
#A partir de aquí el script no es mío, pero es muy sencillo de leer.
fileid=`echo $ENLACE | cut -d '/' -f 5`
infoline=`wget -qO- $xmlurl | grep ".mp3"`
mp3url=`echo $infoline | cut -d '"' -f6`
artist=`echo $infoline | cut -d '"' -f10`
title=`echo $infoline | cut -d '"' -f12`
wget $mp3url -O "$artist"_-_"$title.mp3"
#mplayer -cache 1024 -softvol -softvol-max 1000 $mp3url
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The Following User Says Thank You to pulketo For This Useful Post:
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Clean out the code by removing the unwanted characters that have been copy/pasted by accident (the * characters, that is) and the code will run fine, be it slow.

Edit: Oh, and make sure you have wget installed.

Last edited by anthonie; 2011-12-22 at 00:53. Reason: Oversaw the wget error in post I reacted to

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Addison's Avatar
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Neat script.

Thank you.

I've tried 4 different artists, but for each of them, there was only one song available to choose from.

Also, the audio quality was fairly low, maybe at best, a constant 160 kbps.

Still cool though downloading from Xterm.

Last edited by Addison; 2011-12-22 at 07:14. Reason: stupid typing
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Nov 2009
that site is mainly for spanish speakers, let's make it global, upload your music

Originally Posted by Addison View Post
Neat script.

Thank you.

I've tried 4 different artist, but for each of them, there was only one song available to choose from.

Also, the audio quality was fairly low, maybe at best, a constant 160 kbps.

Still cool though downloading from Xterm.

The Following User Says Thank You to pulketo For This Useful Post:
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I'd rather take than give when it comes to music.

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